
Tuesday 10 February 2009

The Myers-Briggs Functional Indicators

Relationship of the MBTI Functions and the Plant and Mineral Kingdoms.

and intuition are the information-gathering (perceiving) functions. They describe how new information is understood and interpreted.

*Individuals who prefer sensing are more likely to trust information that is in the present, tangible and concrete: that is, information that can be understood by the five

*Those who use intuition tend to trust information that is more abstract or theoretical. They tend to trust those flashes of insight that seem to bubble up from the unconscious mind. The meaning is in how the data relates to the pattern or theory.

Thinking and feeling are the decision making (judging) functions.

*Those who prefer thinking tend to decide things from a more dissociated, detached standpoint, measuring the decision by what seems reasonable, logical and causal.

*Those who prefer feeling tend to come to decisions by associating or empathizing with the situation and weighing it up to achieve, on balance, the greatest harmony.

Can we detect and use these indicators in Homeopathy to determine if the appropriate remedy would be from the plant or the mineral kingdom? As usual, in Homeopathy oversimplification results in disaster, but careful consideration of these factors, in the appropriate context may turn out to be useful.

Expressed in the most simple terms, then, the hypothesis to be tested is that a sensing-thinking person would come down on the side of the mineral kingdom, and an intuiting-feeling person would tend to be on the plant kingdom. Looking at the article on "Ignatia and the Silver series" the emotional and hysterical Ignatia type certainly looks like she's on the intuition-feeling tip! The reasoning seems to pervade in this instance. The clearest demonstration would be a scatter plot of remedy vs. type.

In RADAR (clairvoyance vs. affectionate) the top 10 intuitive-feeling types seem to be : Lac-del. Lac-leo. Cann-i. Kola. Carc. Valer. Acon. Op. Anac. and Hyos.
(Puls. 15 & Ign. 21).

The sensing-thinking types (Reasoning vs. Acute senses) do seem to include more minerals: Nux-v. Sulph. Cham. Mur-ac. Positr. Ars. Chin. Bar-c. Graph. Lyc.

On the face of it there may seem to be a similar correlation between the MBTI Attitudes, Extraversion and Introversion in the animal kingdom, especially in animals that flock or herd together - some will lead and some will follow. Some animal remedies do seem to be very extrovert by nature (e.g. Lachesis, Lac-lup), but so are the mineral Phos. and Sulph. types. Many plants do well in groups and like company (e.g. Bamb. Puls.). One would also have to bear in mind the fact that introversion appears throughout the kingdoms (Aversion - company:240) and often presents in a compensated state (e.g. Anacardium).

Conclusion: the relationships between the MBTI types and remedy types seems to hold as long as the comparison is made specific. Overgeneralise and the crossover point vanishes into the mists of abstraction.

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