
Wednesday 18 February 2009

The Tubercular Miasm

Rollo May and the existential anxt of the Tubercular Miasm.

The Tubercular Miasm combines layers of the other three miasms into a complex aggregate. It usually characterised by shifting, changeable symptoms, which manifest on the psychological level as feelings of dissatisfaction and lack of tolerance. So, they are free spirits, loving travel and stimultion; they can resent or fear oppression. This can lead to frequent changes of house or job and can mean difficult times for the rest of the family.

"He hurries to live his life even as he intuits that it is burning away from him", (Vithoulkas).

The poetry of Coleridge is said to portray this sense of longing in romantic terms, and Turner's art is said to portray the grandeure and wildness of the Tubercular spirit.

The romantic view of T.B. is portrayed "Death in Venice", with strains of Mahlers Adagio accompnying Dirk Bogards gradual demise ... but only Rollo May describes the real nitty-gritty existential essence of the T.B. Miasm...

From, "The Existential Primer":

After surviving tuberculosis, May decided struggling against the disease had been the key to remaining alive. His “perpetual anxiety” and fear of dying had been helpful, he determined, because it kept him from becoming resigned to death. May wrote about this experience in The Meaning of Anxiety,

Patients who were gay and hopeful and tried to make light of the disease frequently died. Those of us who lived with it, accepted it, struggled against it, recovered. Whether or not I lived depended not upon the doctors or medicine but on me.

Rx: Ars-i, Brom, Calc-i, Phos, Ferr-i, Fl-ac, Kali-p, Mag-p, Nat-p, Phos.

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