
Tuesday 4 August 2009

Lanthanide themes in Lachesis?

Idea Snakes in general are quite solitary and avoid people.  There is Secrecy, misanthropy, and delusions of enemies.  Some are quite egotistical. These signifiers place the Snake remedies  between Stages 12 and 17.   The Series is more difficult to discern, but one clue is that there is a strong focus on Sexuality which suggests the Silicon Series - establishing relationships outside the family. 

Lachesis seems to resonate with Stage 12, Crotalus with Stage 15 and Cenchris with Stage 16.

I'm just revising Philip Baileys Lachesis. I started noticing hints of Lanthanide qualities such as autonomy, independence, depth, sexuality and so on.

We all know that Lachesis Remedy Persons (LRP's!) seem to hate restriction and have inner tensions which are better from discharging emotions in the form of loquacity or sexuality. Philip says the hatred of restriction can also manifest as a need for their own space in a relationship or a loathing of being ordered about (typical teenagers).

Some LRPs can be quite extraverted and enjoy being the centre of attention which reminds me of Stage 10 . LRPs are often known to be quite philosophical (Sulphur).

You get a slew of remedies in bold type (including Lachesis) In the rubric:

Contradiction - disposition to contradict: ANAC CAUST HEP LACH LYC NUX-V

What's really confusing about Lachesis is that it comes out on top if you "collect" rubrics that might suggest a Lanthanide, e.g. philosophical, thoughtful, curious, sympathetic, and mystical (Sulphur too!). To understand this we'd have to go back to 1828 and step into Hering's shoes. But Lachesis may be alive and well today...

The primary Lachesis conflict between Morality and Instinct is emphasised in Alice Bailey's interpretation of the Twelve Labours of Hercules ... in Scorpio (the Lernean Hydra) Hercules rises above matter and in the next sign, Saggitarius (the Stymphalian Birds) he recognises his emotional nature, which he restrains through the control of thought and so on, until he arises as a pure being in Pisces.

This path is also seen in Buddhas sutra teachings; but these are the common preliminary practices, and can also be found in many world religions. This path, on its own, can be merely intellectual sprituality. It has neither the depth of Mahamudra nor of the Lanthanides.


  1. Of course, attack/defence (Stage 11 on) could be an important issue in persons needing a remedy from the animal kingdom.

    Lac Delphinum is an interesting example. Cetaceans evoloved from a wolf-like mammal (Herrick P.221).

    They thrive in a pod, where communiction, love, sex and family are very important. They are almost clairvoyant. The pod is their protection too (Calm during danger - Herrick). The mother often needs time to be on her own.

    Their control and their charming quality suggests that the mineral analogue may be Terbium phos.

    Debate: The issues of autonomy and power (Lanthanides) seem to be fundamental to every living being, not just the province of the human philosophical mind.

  2. You've presented much food for thought. Making many comparisons and similarities. How can one hear the differences to make the correct kingdom selection when these themes overlap such as mysticism, family, power, restriction, space, attack/defend, independence, mother/father, etc.

    Thank you so much Stephanie for this wealth of knowledge so beautifully presented and organized. A true labor of love.

  3. What a load of old shit. Just like the rest of homeopathy.
