
Monday 8 November 2010

Structuralism and the Plant Kingdom Vol II : Ericales

   Ericales - Coldness and Aversion.

Cornaceae and Ericaceae:

There are two familiar remedies in the Cornales, both malarial. Both have heat flushes alternating with chills, C. Alerniflora has the sensation of having a "chest full of ice". The theme of coldness continues in the Ericales which are cold and often rheumatic remedies. The remedy states found in the Ericaceae are very pessimistic with loss of purpose a sense of being wounded. This might be as a result of some disaster, the delusions of shame and remorse suggest regrets which could brought on by a moral dilemma.


The theme of morality is found in the primulacea too. Cyclamen has a strong sense of being disgraced, with self-reproach, grief and inner darkness. Anagalis, another very attractive flower, is a well known remedy for gonorrhoea, which is usually associated with secrecy and sexuality. It could well be described as a "sexual" remedy, reflecting the theme of morality once more.


The remedy Thea is associated with agitation, trembling and shaking, reflected on the mental level with impulsive thoughts leading to an irritable state accompanied by a feeling of loss of control. There is also malice, aversion and disgust. In contrast, some provers report a delight in witty banter. In another context, the Japanese Tea Ceremony, it is associated with quiet and sober refinement.

Japanese Green tea contains more Selenium and Chromium than black China tea, which improves its antioxidant properties. Brazil nuts (Lecythidaceae) are also a member of the ericales and a well known source of Selenium. Some of these ericaceae themes may be due to the presence of Selenium, a Stage 16 remedy; there are amorous dreams, lascivious fancies, impotence and a deficiency of ideas.

Selenium in Fruits: Banana, Breadfruit Guava, Lychee, Mango, Pomegranite. In Nuts: Amaranth Brazils Cashew Coconut

Conclusion: A proverb, "Malice drinketh its own poison".


5-Factor - Ericales [Highly negative factors depicted as low scores]
  1. Extraversion: Not Outgoing.
  2. Agreeableness: Antagonistic.
  3. Conscientiousness: No trust.
  4. Neuroticism: Sadness. Hysterical.
  5. Openness: Hopeless. Withdrawn.

In contrast to coldness and aversion we also find cheerfulness, elation and exhilaration. In Anagalis, for example there is excitement, trembling and a state of tremulous weakness. There are abundant ideas and a sense of mental power which can become manic.

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