
Tuesday 16 June 2009

Hawks and Doves and the Dysprosium State

Hawks and Doves refers to J. Maynard Smiths work on "Evolution and the Theory of Games". It is a sort of Transactional Analysis using the replicator equation which demonstrates the fitness landscape of various population types.

It is assumed that every genotype has a well defined replication rate (fitness). This fitness is the "height" of the landscape. Genotypes which are similar are said to be "close" to each other, while those that are very different are "far" from each other. The two concepts of height and distance are sufficient to form the concept of a "landscape".

The analysis is applied to a situation in which there is a competition for a shared resource and the contestants can choose either conciliation or conflict.

That's the theory part of it. I once used it to draw similar inferences from a cluster analysis of the social interactions of a group of Orangs. That's the long way round - a research project!

The short way is just to observe ... and to get a feel for the comfort zone of each subject.

To get a feel for the landscape of our own comfort zone consider the game of chicken ... where two drivers both head for a single lane bridge from opposite directions. The first to swerve away yields. In the game of chicken we automatically evaluate the risk of the confrontation in terms self-esteem and self-respect as well as the intensity of the physical danger. The point at which we yield demonstrates the limit of our comfort zone (i.e. fitness, in Hawks and Doves).

The Transactional analysis model (Eric Berne), also demonstrates that we manifest our personality through a mixture of behaviours or ego-states which can shift between dominant and yielding, the parent, the adult or the child. If these states cause us sufficient embarressment and discomfort they can become disowned, and exist as shadow parts of ourselves - organised clusters of unwanted perceptions, cognitions and affects [1,2].

In the Homeopathic study of the elements the landscape of our comfort zone and deeper constellations of "hidden" energy patterns, is measured by a sliding scale of characteristic "Stages" (1-17)[3] (the stages represent distance in Hawks and Doves).

An example to illustrate: I asked a colleage if he would like me to find a more deeper acting remedy than the St John's Wort he uses. The answer came back with depth and force (Scorpio?) and with a steely/iron determination,

"Not if it interferes with my creativity".

That's enough to indicate to me that we are looking at the self-determination of the Lanthanides (not the creativity of the Silvers) , and then Stage 8 at the very least, and more likely at Stage 12 - Dysprosium. Dysprosium can be suspicious of people interfering with their freedom.

Do try repertorising it ... where would you end up? Rubrics can only give a fragmented glimpse. It is very difficult to choose a group that really expresses the 'gestalt' ...

Suspicious - medicine will not take [anac ars Cimic Lach]??

Dictatorial [anac ars aur aur-m-n Aur-s Camph carc Cupr falco ferr Fl-ac lac-h lach lil-t LYC Med Merc ozone pall Plat puls Sulph thuj verat]

On this analysis we might be prompted to take a closer look at anacardium, or the aurums. Other interesting ones might be ...

Lachesis (Viperidae), in some commentaries Lachesis sounds like a deeply spiritual remedy, but its only a snake! Its about self-grasping and self-expression coming out in a very materialistic way. It finds is home in our primitive, shadowy, reptile brain - the medulla and parts of the limbic system. These areas of the brain are the home of suspicion, jealousy and rivalry and also the source of our agressive and seeking dreams.

Camphora (Laurales, Stage 15?), feels isolated and alienated. The image of the Steppenwolf, the ranting philosopher who is forsaken, out in the cold. He alternates from vexation to rage (Sulph).

Cimicifuga (Ranuncs, Stage 13?), Trapped/Vexed. Hoyne: Miserable, dejected feeling; feels grieved and troubled.

Ozone (Stage 16) is a special case - usually prescribed as an Oxdatum, e.g. Dysprosium-Oxy, which has the feeling that they need to keep self control in order not to be abused. I think that's about as close as you can get from the information given.

... Dys-Oxy!

[1]Xref: Ego State Therapy
[2]Xref: Pt3.Ch1.Archetypes.BigMind
[3]Xref: Pt1.Ch1.Scholten.18-stages

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