
Thursday 18 June 2009

Misha Norland's approach to Symptoms.

mappaCholeric - Phlegmatic Axis
Stg 15 [N Ph Ars Sb Bi Tm]

Choleric HOT/DRY Sx are dynamic and decisive. Irritable and explosive.

On the Phlegmatic COLD/WET Polarity we get static, indecisive, faithful, feeling engulfed and loss of identity.

Take Bismuth. Morose. Suicidal.
The subnitricum has delusions of superiority, of falling and of being alone. Amoral. Fear of death and of suicide. Moods are obstinate or sad, longing for female company. The pains are cramping.

Do the complaints fit with your idea of HOT & DRY vs. COLD & WET? Bismuth is heavily phlegmatic but there a some choleric aspects (extremities: coldness vs. skin: burning).

Looking at the evidence what would you expect Thulium to be like? Yes, serious and heavy! Dr Scholten lists loss of autonomy. Annihiliation. Darkness. Falling. Doom. The very epitomy of the phlegmatic temperament, but Thulium can also express the choleric polarity, becoming excessive, wild and murderous.

Compare Thulium and Bismuth with Opium. There are similarities which suggest that Opium has an affinity with Stage 15 (or 16) [Xref]. The disturbance is mainly of affect and to the formation of ideas - Silver Series. Antimony (S5,St15) has shades of these polarities e.g. Ecstacy, walking in moonlight, Lascivious vs. Loathing, Morose, Sad.

Opium symptoms seem to lies mainly on the Choleric - Phlegmatic axis.

It seems to be a very changeable state, with a variety of dark moods and polarites.

The other Paperveraceae may have a similar shaped plot (Chel, Morph and Sang all have deep moods with similar polarities of anger and excitabilitiy). Dr Sankaran gives the passive reaction for the whole family as Analgesia, Coma, Painlessness and Numbness. He gives the active reactions as rage, spasms and convulsions.

(Click image for white b/g)

In Ignatia, which is representative of the Loganaceae family, rubrics indicate that the main axis is in the direction of water. The warmer sanguine and colder phlegmatic temperaments merge into a watery gradient.

The polarity, the choleric temperament is an equal blend of earth and fire.

Remember that these are soft relationships - their function is primarily to create a deeper "neural network" of memorable associations, but they can also help us access unfamiliar or unknown remedies and predict how they might behave.

We've strayed quite far into foreign lands already, lets get really eccentric now, and plot the planetary aspects (which represent the Inner Self in Huber Charts) of my birthday, 4/9/55 onto a Misha style map to show where I should be at in good health ...

Does this show the type of remedies that might be useful to me in this life? I wonder. If I was convinced I'd select one of the corresponding Misha Remedy Maps (in McRep or his book).

The ones with a main vertical axis, crossed by a minor 45' axis are: Calc-phos, Sul-ac, Ars-Iod, Iodum, Iris, Anaholium and Agaricus. These are Maps of the totality though - you'd have to include the Astrological Houses as well to get such a complete picture. Still, these suggestions are not that far off the mark.

A further use for this system of plotting hot/cold against dry/wet is that has the potential to represent data on the plant's natural habitat and ecology e.g. Pulsatilla has an affinity for sandy soil and fresh air.

Ref: Misha's book: The Four Elements in Homeopathy

Xref: Stages in the Plant Kingdom (The Eudicot Series - Opium)

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