
Tuesday 30 June 2009

School Play - Platina and Merc go to the awards

Merc is pacing to and fro' holding a sheaf of papers and stabbing at her mobile. She's looking annoyed and agitated ... muttering about killing her Financial Advisor. Why won't he answer the phone? The bastards probably on Holiday - on what's left of my savings!

Meanwhile Platina's trying to get through to Merc ... When Merc finally picks up she says "Do you know what time it is? Are you coming to my award ceremony or not? Have you FORGOTTEN?

Merc: No, of course I haven't forgotten, I've got more important concerns on my mind than some blasted award ...

Plat: WHAT could be MORE important than my AWARD?

Merc: Its just empty flattery. I've had a court summons - my business partner's suing me for £28,000, and I'v just lost half that amount in a derivatives trade.

Plat: I'v just bought a new ROLEX ...

Merc: Well, that's just GREAT!

Plat: Look, just get here for 7! We're going in your MERC!

Merc: I'm not going. Those bastards know I'm past it.

Plat: I'll go on my own then SAD-ACT!

Merc: Hangs up. Bloody friends. Bankers. Awards. BACK-STABBERS!

Plat: Who cares! I'v got to get ready ... don't want to keep my fans waiting.

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