
Tuesday 7 July 2009

Kali Phos - Voice Dialogue

Ms Kali-P, expressed through the Voice Dialogue method.

Big Mind - I have to look after my family and my close friends.

Big Heart - I have to stay in touch. I would be lost without my family.

The Protector - My job is to protect myself, family and friends. My sense of duty extends to anyone in trouble. I'm a good Samaritan.

The Controller - I work and study hard because if I do well I can look after everyone. I'm open, sympathetic and honest.

The Seeker - I like excitement. I'm always doing something. Life's too short. I rove around the world because I love making new contacts and friends.

The Vulnerable Child - I have so many anxieties and fears! My health, the future, and of death. I'm very jumpy. I have frightful dreams. I don't like heights or open spaces.

The Shadow - I am excitable and impressionable, almost clairvoyant. I see frightful images of death and destruction. Time runs away from me.

The Damaged self - When I overdo it I become sad, weary and indifferent to everything. I feel forsaken and everything looks strange and dead. My memory is weak, but I'm very sentimental.

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