
Tuesday 7 July 2009

Kali Nitricum - Voice Dialogue

Mr. Kali-Nit, expressed through the Voice Dialogue method.

Big Mind - I enjoy my work, its part of the good life.

Big Heart - Enjoyment is the main thing!

The Protector - Happiness is my reward for a job well done. Its a philosophy of life that everyone should adopt.

The Controller - I'm bored by this! I'm anxious about work, but it isn't everything - life's too short.

The Seeker - Don't try to stop me. I want it all and I want it now! I don't care about morals, or sexual restrictions. When I'm discontented I dream of carousing or journeys. I wake easily.

The Vulnerable Child - I'm very cautious, and I'm anxious about the future. It gives me headaches. If I don't do my duty they will be after me. I've a horror of loosing my penis.

The Damaged Self - I'm angry and a bit paranoid. I feel trapped by these four walls. I cry when I head sad music - I'm missing out on so much. I feel as if I'm dead already.

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