The AWFUL fear is that you have to get it right or you will be laughed at.
“It becomes A very harmful, irrational belief, which takes a small fault to the extreme of terror” (Albert Ellis).
What’s the terrifying outcome we are so frightened of? A Further loss of self-esteem.
Rationally speaking we have to accept that there is no cosmic law that says we will always get it right. We have to be able to accept defeats without going to irrational extremes such as self-depreciation.
The main Rubrics having this fear (Periodic Table only):
Fear - observed; of her condition being ... CALC germ
Fear - opinion of others ... Ars aur-m bar-c bar-s calc Germ
Delusions - watched, she is being ... ARS Bar-c Calc Kali-br
Delusions - criticized, she is ... Bar-c calc germ nat-m pall plb positr rad-br
Delusions - laughed at and mocked ... adam BAR-c germ ph-ac
Sensitive - criticism to ... alum-sil am-c aur/m/s bar-c calc merc nat-m positr
Left Siders -> Positron Nat-m Bar-c Kali-br Calc alumina
Right Siders -> adam aurum pall merc am-c germ ph-ac ars
We can see that the fear of being observed exists on both sides of the Periodic Table - it is there on the left side, in people who feel there is something wrong within and on the right side, in people who feel there is something wrong with the world.
It is present in every stage so why is there such a spread? Well, we are all subject to disapproval from some quarter - as Dylan said, "Everyone must get stoned". Is insult felt more acutely by one group more than the other? No, but in the left side our structure is not so firm and we easily collapse and then withdraw into ourselves. On the right side we can also withdraw, but the fault is out there - its not us that's at fault. Right-siders can collapse even further to the right but there is aggression and resentment.
In the left-siders there is self-depreciation which engenders a sense of damaged self-hood. There is a belief that there is something wrong with ourselves. This is the core belief that connects all the left-siders. All these remedies help us realise that making a mistake it isn't all that AWFUL.
This is the central delusion - the self-defeating belief and the source of the mental habits that paralyse us.
Structuralism and the Plant Kingdom

- Steph Nile
- Frodsham (Chester), Cheshire, United Kingdom
- Interests: Philosophy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Buddhism, Psychosynthesis, Hypnotherapy and R.E.B.T.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
The rubrics of the three original maisms have been placed in the context of chakras or levels of awareness as described by Integral Psychology (Judith, Wilber). The interpretation of rubrics and their placement within these levels is based on my understanding of the Psychological significance of each rubric.
Kent on Psorinum
The Psorinum patient himself is one of debility. He wants to go home after a short walk. He is worse in the open air. He cannot breathe in the open air; cannot breathe while he is standing up;
The mental symptoms present some strong features. Sadness, hopelessness; he sees no light breaking through the clouds above his head; all is dark about him. He thinks his business is going to be a failure; that he is going to the poor house; that he has sinned away his day of grace. It is a fixed idea during the day and he dreams about it at night.
Overwhelming sadness; dejection; he takes no joy in his family; feels that these things are not for him. His business is prosperous, yet he feels as if he were going to the poor house. No joy or realization of benefit. Extremely irritable, wants to be alone. Does not want to be washed. Full of anxiety, even of suicide. Despair of recovery if sick.
Though there is no eruption at night he is driven to despair by the continual itching. If he throws the covers off then he becomes chilly; if he covers up then there is itching. Sensitive to cold yet the skin is worse from heat. Tingling, itching, formication, crawling like ants running over the surface, as of insects in the skin.
Kent: on Medorrhinum
Forgetful of facts, figures and names; of what he has read. Makes mistakes in writing, of spelling, and words. TIME MOVES TOO SLOWLY; everybody moves too slowly. He is in a constant hurry, in such a hurry that he gets out of breath. She is in such a hurry that she feels faint.
Forgetful of facts, figures and names; of what he has read. Makes mistakes in writing, of spelling, and words. TIME MOVES TOO SLOWLY; everybody moves too slowly. He is in a constant hurry, in such a hurry that he gets out of breath. She is in such a hurry that she feels faint.
Confusion of mind, dazed; fear of sensation; loses the idea when speaking. Great difficulty in stating her symptoms, loses herself and must be asked over again. Thinks some one is behind her; hears whispering. Sees faces that peer at her from behind the furniture (PHOS.).
Everything seems unreal (ALUM.). Wild desperate feeling as if incipient insanity. Weeps when talking. Exhilaration in evening. Changeable state of mind; one moment sad, the next mirthful. Presentiment of death. Frightened sensation on waking as if something dreadful had happened. FEAR OF THE DARK. Anxiety about her salvation.
Kent on Syphilinum
Forgetful. Weak minded. Laughing and weeping without cause. He cannot remember faces, names, dates, events, books or places. He cannot calculate. Despair of recovery Melancholia. Fears he is going insane. IMBECILITY.
Forgetful. Weak minded. Laughing and weeping without cause. He cannot remember faces, names, dates, events, books or places. He cannot calculate. Despair of recovery Melancholia. Fears he is going insane. IMBECILITY.
Indifferent to his friends, and feels no delight in anything Dreads the night and dreads the morning, as the weakness and soreness are worse on waking. He always says he is not himself and he cannot feel like himself.
A middle-aged man who had suffered many years from latent syphilis abandoned his business and remained at home lamenting and sad His wife supported the family by keeping boarders After receiving a few doses of Syphilinum he took on new energy and became industrious and prosperous.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Structural Homeopathy and the Lanthanides
Introduction to a new épistémè - New situations demand new learning.
Nowadays I'm looking at Homepathy from a post-structuralist point of view - Michel Foucault used the term épistémè to describe "the historical a priori that grounds knowledge within a particular epoch". It's wider than the idea of a paradigm, in that it includes fundamental assumptions and attitudes that are almost invisible to the people operating within its limits - a sort of 'epistemological unconscious' of an era.
Scholten, as a philosopher and scientist is introducing ideas that are, at the moment, beyond the épistémè of Classical Homeopathy. More specifically, the main difference is that his approach is nomothetic, that is, he identifies, classifies and maps the universal and common characteristics shared by everyone into logical dimensions, whereas classical Homeopathy is strongly ideographic, focusing entirely on the unique aspects of the individual, and any attempt at "chunking up" to see the big picture is still an anathema to many.
In fact each approach has its own advantages, which becomes clear when we compare the overlap and variation within the DSM categoires with the "Big Five" (Costa & McCrea, 2007), a statistical model of personality derived from factor analysis. The synonym clusters (of symptoms) used in the Plants Project (this author,2008) were derived through this methodology.
Historically, Dr. Rajan Sankarn, by sheer force of logic and personality challenged this ideographic approach in the 90's and opened the way for some of us to think about the relationshps of states and remedies with a more scientific person centered approach.
Scholtens amazing work on the 'Series' of the periodic table explores the pathology and the prognosis of the more materialistic first tier vMemes, and even more significantly, his examination of the Lanthanides explores the inner spiritual development and the autonomy of the second tier. [Ref: Spiral Dynamics]
Hope you enjoy exploring this with me - and leave a few comments!
*epistemology = study of the nature of knowledge.
All work

Nowadays I'm looking at Homepathy from a post-structuralist point of view - Michel Foucault used the term épistémè to describe "the historical a priori that grounds knowledge within a particular epoch". It's wider than the idea of a paradigm, in that it includes fundamental assumptions and attitudes that are almost invisible to the people operating within its limits - a sort of 'epistemological unconscious' of an era.
Scholten, as a philosopher and scientist is introducing ideas that are, at the moment, beyond the épistémè of Classical Homeopathy. More specifically, the main difference is that his approach is nomothetic, that is, he identifies, classifies and maps the universal and common characteristics shared by everyone into logical dimensions, whereas classical Homeopathy is strongly ideographic, focusing entirely on the unique aspects of the individual, and any attempt at "chunking up" to see the big picture is still an anathema to many.
In fact each approach has its own advantages, which becomes clear when we compare the overlap and variation within the DSM categoires with the "Big Five" (Costa & McCrea, 2007), a statistical model of personality derived from factor analysis. The synonym clusters (of symptoms) used in the Plants Project (this author,2008) were derived through this methodology.
Historically, Dr. Rajan Sankarn, by sheer force of logic and personality challenged this ideographic approach in the 90's and opened the way for some of us to think about the relationshps of states and remedies with a more scientific person centered approach.
Scholtens amazing work on the 'Series' of the periodic table explores the pathology and the prognosis of the more materialistic first tier vMemes, and even more significantly, his examination of the Lanthanides explores the inner spiritual development and the autonomy of the second tier. [Ref: Spiral Dynamics]

*epistemology = study of the nature of knowledge.
All work

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