April 2011
A new edition of the Homeopathic Informer is now available to read.
If you are an ISIS Vision user I can advise that a new release, v1.0026, will soon be available for download. I will email you with download instructions as soon as it is ready. This is the 5th consecutive year we have provided upgrades to all ISIS Vision users without any charge!
In this new edition of Informer I wanted to draw your attention to the work being done by ARHF around the world, using the PC resonances created by Peter Chapell. I first met Peter in London almost 30 years ago and I remember discussing homeopathy with him at Neal's Yard. Peter is an innovative thinker and I value his contributions to homeopathy greatly.
Harry van der Zee is also deeply involved in the work of ARHF alongside his editorial work with Homeopathic Links magazineI especially welcome 'practical, case-oriented' contributions to the Informer and you will also be able to an article from Stephanie Nile which certainly fits the bill. I came into contact with Stephanie after reading her new book 'Structualism and the Plant Kingdom'.
If you have information you wish to share with a wider audience please send it to me for consideration. Enjoy this edition of the Informer.
Click here to read the informer
If your antivirus or security software prevents the above link from working then manually copy and paste this link into your web browser: http://www.miccant.com/informer/informerapril2011.htm
If you are an ISIS Vision user I can advise that a new release, v1.0026, will soon be available for download. I will email you with download instructions as soon as it is ready. This is the 5th consecutive year we have provided upgrades to all ISIS Vision users without any charge!
In this new edition of Informer I wanted to draw your attention to the work being done by ARHF around the world, using the PC resonances created by Peter Chapell. I first met Peter in London almost 30 years ago and I remember discussing homeopathy with him at Neal's Yard. Peter is an innovative thinker and I value his contributions to homeopathy greatly.
Harry van der Zee is also deeply involved in the work of ARHF alongside his editorial work with Homeopathic Links magazineI especially welcome 'practical, case-oriented' contributions to the Informer and you will also be able to an article from Stephanie Nile which certainly fits the bill. I came into contact with Stephanie after reading her new book 'Structualism and the Plant Kingdom'.
If you have information you wish to share with a wider audience please send it to me for consideration. Enjoy this edition of the Informer.
Click here to read the informer
If your antivirus or security software prevents the above link from working then manually copy and paste this link into your web browser: http://www.miccant.com/informer/informerapril2011.htm
To read previous editions of the Informer click the following link:
Regards from
David Witko and the team at Miccant
David Witko and the team at Miccant
Structuralism and the Plant Kingdom

'Structualism and the Plant Kingdom' is my personal response to the three Homeopathic methods (Classical, Sensation and Minerals) , that were vying for supremacy during my fours years of attending North West College of Homeopathy. At college the modern methods were presented as specialist subects taught by different, learned, exponents of one or the othe r field.
As a result mots graduates left the course favoring one method over another. Perhaps this trend toward taking sides with one school or another arose from differenes in the actual consultation, or from differences in understanding the Materia Medica, However it came about, the modern schools of homeopathy were seen as seperate and different, with one addressing the problems of the Plant Kingdom and one addressing the Minerals.
Dr. Sankaran went some way towards healing this rift with his two important volumes on "Structure". My own book argues that the two methodolgies can be reconiled further by deconstruction of remedy pictures into smaller, simpler elements. Each element is merely a single aspect of the case or the remedy.
The Miasms, both classical and recent, are quite clearly and manifestly tied to specific diseases such as Syphilis, G.O, T.B and so on. The concept of a misam is a generalisation derived from deconstruction of the disease state, which comes from symptom by symptom comparison and ranking. This method of analysis allows us create a valid scale of spectrum for the comparison of symptoms. Hence, we have a general, working model of the parameters that qualify a problems as Sycotic (e.g. overproduction) or Syphilitic (e.g. destructiveness). The three miasm model was expanded by Dr. Sankaran to ten miasms, which cover the characteristics of the most distinctive types of complaint that he found in clinic.
Even so we still lacked an exhaustive system of categorisation of disease - a 'theory of everything'! The next important development in my own homeopathic education came from Misha Norland in the form of a reworking of the classical teachings on consitutional types. This approach created yet another perfectly valid way of deconstructing completely different aspects of disease into charateristic 'atoms' to create a new classification.
Dr. Scholten used the reativity of elements to create yet another classifcation based on a slightly more social and psychological paradigm which yielded the eithteen stages. Modern psychologists use five distinctive psyscholocal parametes in the Big-5 inventory of personality traits. Followers of the Enneagram teachings discern nine distinctive personality types. We could go on adding scales, tables and classification ad infinitum.
The important thing is to decide which is the most useful, which implies making a decision about which classification suits the patient in front of us. It is the nature of the presenting complaint which should determine the appropiate method of classification.
All these methods gives a new flexibility and freedom to chart, tabulate or plot the progress of a patient in a number of ways, on any scale we choose. The only requirement of a valid scale is consistancy - which comes from percieving, measuring and comparing all the variables accurately.
Enjoy learning. Enjoy Homeopathy.
Stephanie Nile.