Structuralism and the Plant Kingdom

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Frodsham (Chester), Cheshire, United Kingdom
Interests: Philosophy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Buddhism, Psychosynthesis, Hypnotherapy and R.E.B.T.

Thursday, 26 March 2009

The Malvales - Stage 15; loosing the connection.

Malvales - Sterculaceae and Tilaceae.

Sterculaceae::Theobroma cacao (Chocolate)

Euphoria or Affection quickly turning to irratation. Doesnt want any disturbance. Wants to get away, "I felt restricted, like being outside, roaming, free."

Then there is a sense of being alone in the world. Irritability and Aversion (cf. Abroma & Kola) becomes deep separation. Cured symptoms: "A desire to be in contact with the earth". "The separation I have always felt is gone, I feel a part of what's around". "The fear is gone".

Profile ...

  • Euphoria. Excitement (Joyous, Nervous). Wildness
  • Affectionate vs. Aversion (husband, children, company)
  • Irritability: Trifles. Towards children. When disturbed
  • Delusions/Feelings: Forsaken, Estranged, Alone or Separated.
Sensations: Awkward, heavy. Of being a wild animal.
Miasm: Shows Acute and Typhoid aspects.

Tilaceae::Tilia (Lime)

The state results from the loss of connection to a loved one, social life or even occupation. There is loneliness and much sadness. It can go very deep, especially if there is berevement.

Profile ...
  1. Despair. Sad. Melancholy, disposed to weep
  2. Ailments from disappointed love. Love sick.
  3. Dread of society. Fear of company. Indifference.
  4. Pleasure. Laughing, (cured Sx?).
  5. Irritable. Censorious. Anger from contradiction
  6. Fear of narrow spaces or entering a room. Being in the House agg.
  7. Dreams of danger, fire, flood, black water.
The rubrics which point to the heart of Tilia are pleasure and love-sick. They imply the person is no longer happy because she has no love. Rajan gives connection as the theme of the Malvales. Loss of connection fits Tilia. The lost connection may be subconscious, as in the case below.

Case: Px had cosmetic surgery which did not please. She became sad and withdrawn. On taking Tilia 1M she found a connection to a suppresed part of herself - an extreemly angry subconsious part which was blaming her for having the procedure and ruining her social life.

She was able to connect with, love, and accept the accusing voice and integrate it back into her life. All the other Tilia Sx listed showed some improvement. The problem still exists, but she is no longer tearing (Carc!?) herself apart.

If we had considered anger - mistakes about or reproaching oneself as the center of the case we would'v ended up with some other 'solution', probably Aur-n-m or Thuja, which may have helped, but nothing in the repertory really comes close.

For me this highlights the benefits of struggling to gain a deep understanding of the plant families... not just on the level of sensation, but on the level of meaning.
Sensation: Detatched.
Miasm: Sycosis.

Comparative Extraction: Sterculaceae [choc, kola, abrom] vs. Tilaceae [tilia]

Consider how the themes of fragmentation or losing or achieving connection pervade the affect (mood) of these remedies.
  • Company (aversion) - choc kola til
  • Quarrelsome - choc kola til
  • Despair - choc kola til
  • Sadness - chol kola abrom til
  • Weeping - choc kola til
  • Thoughtful - kola til
  • Indifference - choc kola abrom til
  • Excitement - choc kola abrom
  • Laughing - choc kola abrom til
  • Irritability - choc kola abrom til
  • Dread - choc kola til
These themes pervade all the remedies of the Malvales.

Monday, 16 March 2009

Orders, Stages and Series in the Plant Kingdom

Results (raw data) from the Plant Kingdom Project .

The Commelinid "Self/Vision" Series.

The most striking Order of the Commelinid Clade - the Liliales, which comprises several small families of plant remedies, I'v dubbed the "Self/Vision" Series. They might also be considered to be "the old ladies of Homeopathy..."


Verat Riches moneyLil-t Busy Sexual HaughtyColch Rudeness
Sabad Haughty UnfeelingHelon Critical SolitudeConv Becoming distantAloe Repels everyone Sars Vexed.

The Eudicot "Ego/Identity" series.

Compare with the Eudicot "Ego/Identity" series, showing the closely related Ranunculales and Saxifragales Orders. The Egotism and Vanity still exist in this series but it is no longer offensive, it is sensitive, under attack and often collapsing.


Acon TensionPaeon Sensitive
Cimic Hurried
Actea Egotism
Puls DesertedStaph WoundedHell PersuedRan-b War
Clem Amoral Adonis Stupor

Sang TravelAdlum Weary

Fum Shame
Chel Criminal
Op Escape


Lupulus Fears

Ham OpinionsCann-i TheoriesCann-s Serenity

The Rosids "Emotional" Series.

There is a highly emotional response to stress, which can become anxious, hurried and hateful in this series. They can be full of contempt and violent. The end result is detatchment and estrangement.


Mang. u/n Schin. u/n Rhus-r Censor Comoc Contempt Rhus-g. Fleeing Rhus-t. Persued

Anac. Av' company Raja-s* Eccentriciy
Rhus-v. Loathing

Brucea Excited Anxt. Cit-v Industry Vivacious

Ruta Suspicion Morose Jaborandi Fights Killing Angustura Suspicion Hatred Ptel** Poisoned Lost Will Cit-lim Indifferent Av' duty to


Prun-cer Agri Prun-s Laur Pyrus Frag Crat

Manc Casc

Hura Still

Lath Robin Bapt Meli Copavia Griff Cassia Indigo

The Asterids, "instinctive" series.

The asterids have an Instinctive and Sensitive nature which can turn to excitement, a sense of unreality, rage and hysteria. The bad temper that remains can be full of despair and loathing, and if prolonged turns to dullness or stupor.

1234567891011 121314151617
Asteraceae Cham Caprice Carried Calend Cutting Depends Cina Av' to Touch. Defiant Arn Fear. Tough guy.
Tarax Eup
Mill Cardus Senecio Artem Spite. Malice. Bellis Detatch Inula Disgust Absin Averse


Asaf Sympathy Herac Amused
Apium Busy Eryg Light. Cheery
Sumbul Harrass Cori Separate Oena Destroy Aeth Withdraw Aego Averse
Cic Hate Con Coma
Solanacea Bell Stram Atro

Dulc Fab Atro

Caps Tab



Spig Ign Gels Upas Strych Curare Ho

Mitch Yohim Coff Gali Chin Ip

The Stages/Miasms are plotted left to right following Rajans traditional approach. Further research indicates that the members of each order may all belong to one stage, even though the miasm deepens through the Order, (See article, Malvales; Stage 15, loosing the connection).

Below: Plant Orders superimposed on top of the Periodic Table, showing their correspondance to Kholbergs and Scholtens Stages.

Introduction - the 18 stages.

The 18 Stages

Whilst Jan Scholten assigns 18 Stages to the columns of the Periodic Table, Karen Horney emphasises the main coping strateges, moving towards, against or away from people. This trend is reflected in Scholten's stages. The stages represent transitions or changes, most usually in development, but they can also be seen as a metaphor for the eight trigrams of the I-Ching, which represent a series of situations - the image of growth and decay, all that happens on heaven and earth.

Moving Toward People
  • 1. The need for affection and approval; pleasing others and being liked by them.

  • 2. The need for a partner; one whom they can love and who will solve all problems.

Moving Against People
  • 3. The need for power; the ability to bend wills and achieve control over others -- while most persons seek strength, the neurotic may be desperate for it.

  • 4. The need to exploit others; to get the better of them. To become manipulative, fostering the belief that people are there simply to be used.

  • 5. The need for social recognition; prestige and limelight.

  • 6. The need for personal admiration; for both inner and outer qualities -- to be valued.

  • 7. The need for personal achievement; though virtually all persons wish to make achievements, as with No. 3, the neurotic may be desperate for achievement.

Moving Away from People
  • 8. The need for self sufficiency and independence; while most desire some autonomy, the neurotic may simply wish to discard other individuals entirely.

  • 9. The need for perfection; while many are driven to perfect their lives in the form of well being, the neurotic may display a fear of being slightly flawed.

  • 10. Lastly, the need to restrict life practices to within narrow borders; to live as inconspicuous a life as possible.

Albert Ellis believed that there is a dual origin to personality disorders, organic and non-organic. He felt that non-organic disorders originate from predispositions and vunerabilities which lead to major styles of irrational belief (and subsequently to delusion), which are fundamental to their aetiology, such as catastrophising and awfulising .

Hence the non-organic personality disorders (D.S.M) correspond closely to the Stages (below).

Other disorders, which have an organic (and probably Miasmatic) component are usually assosicated with the gold series, e.g. Schiziod at Stages 1 to 3, Schizotypal at Stages 10 to 13, Paranoid at Stages 11 to 15 and Borderline at Stages 15 to 17. (Xref)

Each Series emphasises the stages differently...

  • The Carbon Series is about individuation.
  • The Silica Series is about boundaries.
  • The Ferrum Series is about roles and responsibility.
  • The Silver Series is about creativity and Ideas.
  • The Gold Series is about power.
  • The Lanthanide Series is about autonomy.

These trends or stages can also be identified in the plant and animal Kingdoms, see post, "Orders, Stages and Series in the Plant Kingdom", Label: Pt2.Ch4.Plants.Series+Stages.

Saturday, 7 March 2009


Asteraceae: The Daisy family.

Objective: To loosely compare some of the most well known active phytochemical constituants in the members of this family with their sphere of the Homeopathic action.

What's the main difference between a Chammomilla cry (Asteraceae) and a Pulsatilla cry (Rununculaceae)? The Chammomilla cry is the one that makes you cringe, whilst Pulsatilla evokes your sympathy - "aaah, poor little mite!" Ther's a demanding aspect to Cham. Demanding is a trait that runs through the whole plant family.

Why is it felt to be so repulsive? We associate that demanding aspect with selfishness, especially in older children. And that's something parents wish to suppress, so it gets pushed into the Shadow. We might become Buddhist and practice "Equalizing self with others" and other methods to generate the Bodhi Mind. So selfishness has become an evil shadow that must be eradicated at all costs by a realization of the emptiness of the Self.

When expressed in these terms selfishness does seem to be a delusion we can do without. But that is one extreem. On the opposite extreem it exists and it has a function. Perhaps selfishness is our cry for freedom and autonomy. The developing ego is simply asserting itself. In the Asteraceae this selfishness expresses a sensitivity to injury.

Family Sensations: Hurt, Injury. Burnt, Shock.

Comparison of Miasmatic Aspects to determine the stages of Millfolium and Artemisa.

The Stages

Anthemis Roman Chamomile (Stage 1).

Character: Oversensitive. Angry. Rude.

Chamazulene (Antioxidant, Analgesic, Antiallergenic)
Coumarin (Analgesic/Anasthetic. Antitumor Gi/Kidney/Prostate)

Clinical: Colic, Coryza, Dyspepsia, Headache, Liver congestion.

Caltha Palustris: Calendula (Stage 3)

Character: Suppression hurt, esp. Cutting remarks.
Caryophyllene (Antiinflammatory, Antitumor, Sedative)
Myristic-acid (Cancer preventive, Antioxidant)

Clinical: Abrasions, Lacerations, Burns, Abscess, Erysipelas.

Eupatorium perfoliatum - Bone Set (Stage 3).
Character: Wants company; to be held.

Eupatorin (Anticarcinomic, Antimalarial)
Astragalin (Antileukemic, Immunostimulant)
Helenalin (Antiarthritic, Antirheumatic, Antitumor, Cardiotoxic)
Quercetin (Antiarthritic, Anticarcinogenic, Antidepressant)
Rutin (Antiatherosclerotic, Antiherpetic, Antioxidant)
Gallic acid (Carcinogenic, Antimutagenic, Immunostimulant )

Clinical: Chills, bone pains, Gout, Rheumatism, Malaria, Wounds.

Carduus Marianus Milk Thistle (Stage 11)

Character: Listless, easily angered. Weakess of memory.

Silymarin (Antioxidant, Antihepatotic)

Clinical: Alcohol Abuse, Asthma, Bronchitis, Gallstones, Hepatitis, Liver disorders, Rheumatism, Sciatica,

Seneco Aureus (Stage 12)
Otosenine (Hepatatoxic)
Senecionine (Antitumor, Hepatotoxic)

Clinical: Amenorrhea, Gonorrhea, Prostatitis, Sciatica. Kidney inflammation, Lumbago, TB, Wounds.

Bellis Perennis: Daisy (Stage 13)

Character: Detatched. Compensates by acting tough.


Clinical: Achne, Blows, Breast tumours, Lamness, Rheumatism, Gout, Over-work, Psoriasis, Neuritis, Herpes.

Achillea :Millefolium Yarrow (Stage 14)

Character: Moaning and irritable. Thinks everyone is a devil.

Stigmasterol (Antiophidic, Estrogenic, Sedative, Anticarcingen)
Camphor (Cancer preventative, Fungicide, Convulsant)
Azulene (Antispasmodic,Antiallergenic)
Inulin (Antidiabetic.Anticarcingen - Breast/Colon Cancer)
1,8-Cineole (Anticarcinogenic, CNS)

Inula (Stage 15).
Inulin (Antidiabetic.Anticarcingen - Breast/Colon Cancer)
Azulene (Antispasmodic,Antiallergenic)
Alantolactone (Antixoidant, Immunostimulant)
Stigmasterol (Antiophidic, Estrogenic, Sedative,Anticarcingen)

Clinical: Backache, Bronchitis, Cramp, Dysmenorrhea, Erysipelas, Sciatica.

Echinacea purpurea (Stage 16)

Character: Run down. Dread. Hates contradiction.
Alumen (root 13,000ppm)
Calcium Carbonate (14,000ppm)
Cobalt (148ppm)
Iron (48,00ppm)
Magnesium (1860ppm)
Phosphorus (790ppm)
Potassium (8,000ppm)
Silicate (15,000ppm)
Sulphate (2,450ppm)

Artemisia : Mugwort relative of Wormwood (Stage 17).

Character: Spiteful. Amoral.
Chamazulene (Antioxidant, Analgesic, Antiallergenic)
Inulin (Antidiabetic.Anticarcingen - Breast/Colon Cancer)
Vulgarin (Antitumor, Cardiotonic, Parasympathomimetic)
Stigmasterol(Antiophidic, Estrogenic, Sedative,Anticarcingen)
Adenine (Myocardiotonic, CNS stimulant, Diuretic)
Camphor (Cancer preventative, Fungicide, Convulsant)
Coumarin (Analgesic/Anasthetic. Antitumor Gi/Kidney/Prostate)
A-pinene (Antiviral, Allergenic,Anticarcinogen)

Compare - Artemisia constituents with its Sx., (from RADAR).
Chest - palpitation of heart
Extremities - convulsions
Excitement - before epilepsy
Bladder - retention of urine during convulsions
Female - Itching
Menses - complaints of.
Fever - Intermittant
Allergic - to asprin
Circulation - complaints of.
Melanoma, lymphoma, epithelioma.

Ref: Phytochemical database

Thursday, 5 March 2009


The Ranunculaceae: The Sensitivity Series.

The ranunculaceae family arranged in order of deepening pathology (stages).

There are many sensitive and delicate remedies in this family. They are a vunerable group. The emotional pathology is centered around the need to be appreciated, so there is sensitivity to disappointment and mortification, and the result is grief, anger over trifles, homesickness, withdrawal and emotional numbness. Dr. Sankaran discovered that the word "vexation" describes this familiy.

Consider the expression of "Vexation" in Puls and Staphy:

How might the degree of vexation relate to the Stages?

Aconite (Stage 2) Dr. Rajan: "Suddenly and deeply vexed".
Fright, Shock.

Pulsatilla (Stage 3) Dr. Rajan: "Avoiding situations which cause vexation".

Rubrics: Disappointment. Failure. Fright, Fear, Grief. Affectionate. Jealous.
Scholten: D.D. Lactic acid, "The girl that never grows up". Berylium is also yielding. These both suggest an affinity with Stage 2 of the Carbon Series. The most yielding and hesitant remedy of the Ferrum Series is Vanadium at Stage 5.

Some ambitious Pulsatilla people have an affinity with the Silver Series - Ailments from literary or scientific failure. They are still cautious and easily discouraged (trifles), which is bang on Yttrium at Stage 3.

Pulsatilla can also be religious but their spirituality has a doubting and fearful aspect; consider Lanthanum (Stage 3) who feels confused and insecure about his Self, and also Cerium who wants to be autonomous but feels too frightened and vunerable, and like Puls, gives way to trying to please others.

Actea-spicata (Stage 5) Dr. Rajan: "Trying not to be vexed".

Desires company. Fear of being alone, of death.
Egotism. Obstinate. Hysteria. Libertinism.
Despair about trifles. Lamenting. Loathing of life.
Self-deception. Delusion: Everything will fail.

DD Stage 5: Vanadium - postponing work. Niobium - postponing creation. Praseodymium - hesitating to be autonomous.

Ran-b (Stage 8) Dr. Rajan: "Intermittantly vexed".
Ailments from emotions. Sadness. Alcoholism.
Ambition. Hurry. Anxiety and Fear of falling, of work.
Sensitive. Cowardice - delusion of being at war.
Despair and Loathing. Abusive. Censorious. Sardonic.

DD Stage 8: Ferrum - perservering at work. Ruthenum - perservering with ideas. Samarium - forcing yourself to be independent.

Staphysagria (Stage 10) Dr. Rajan: "Keeping control in vexing situations".
Alcoholism. Loss of control. Sexual Abuse. Aversion to women/men.
Shame. Silent Grief. Anger. Egotism. Indignation and wounded honour.
She is above reproach. Delusion: Lowness of others while he is great, like Platina, also Stg 10. There also is an affinity with Argentum at Stage 11, who holds on to his creative accomplishments.

Dr Scholten points out an interesting affinity with Magnesium Lactatum, his "difficult little girl", Stage 2 - Silica Series; Staphy children who have been dominatined (loss of control) can get quite upset (mortification) and become angry and abusive. But Mags are more frightened of abandonment than Staphies are. He also points out that like Staphy, Silica kids can be quite indignant little "victims" - pointing back to Stage 10 again!

So what is Staphy like in her work environment (Ferrum Series)? We have ailments (such as suppressed anger) from repremands or reproaches from loss of position, reverse of fortune and wounded honour. Ferrums hate criticism and failure. Jan gives, "must be on top and have everything under control", for Niccolum (Carcinosin, verily)! Niccloum has a sense of nobility about his work. Would a wounded Staphy look like Cuprum (rubric, paralyis from anger) or even Zincum (Delusions, smaller)?

The artistic and creative Staphy (art - ability for) might look like Palladium (Delusions, tall) or Argentum (above). Is there an autonomous, self-realised Staphy? If so she would look like Gadolinium, Self-centered and self-fullfilled, and in control of her autonomy. She would hate anything that disturbed her balance and harmony. Sounds like the familiar Staphy ?

Cimicifuga (Stage 13) Dr. Rajan: "Trapped and oppressed by a vexing situation".
Dejected. Disappointed love.
Enveloped by dark clouds. Despair. Suicidal.

DD Stage 13: Gallium - Work, nostalgia for old methods. Indium - outdated art. Thalium - dogmatic leadership. Holmium - bitter.

Helleborus (Stage 15) Dr. Rajan: "Iunsensitive and blunted by vexatmion".
Alcoholism. Homesick. Suicidal
Brooding. Contempuous. Religious Despair. Prophesying.
Feels Lost or Persued. Fear of evil.
Indifference to family. Envy - seeing others happy.

DD Stage 15: Arsenicum - Redundancy. Antimony - loss of creativity. Bismuth - loss of power. Thulium - loss of Self - anniliation.

Clematis (Stage 16) Me: "Overcome by vexation".
Grief. Misanthropy. Hiding. Homesickness.
Amoral. Heedless. Loss of will and ambition. Despair.
Thoughts of death. Longing for the repose of death.
Fear of people. Delusion: Falling.

DD Stage 16: Selenium - Indifferent to your task. Tellurium - neglecting creativity. Polonium - lost power. Ytterbium - Decaying autonomy.

Refs: Dr. Rajan Sankaran, "An insight into Plants Vol II".
Dr. Jan Scholten, "Homeopathy and the Elements".