Objective: To loosely compare some of the most well known active phytochemical constituants in the members of this family with their sphere of the Homeopathic action.
What's the main difference between a Chammomilla cry (Asteraceae) and a Pulsatilla cry (Rununculaceae)? The Chammomilla cry is the one that makes you cringe, whilst Pulsatilla evokes your sympathy - "aaah, poor little mite!" Ther's a demanding aspect to Cham. Demanding is a trait that runs through the whole plant family.
Why is it felt to be so repulsive? We associate that demanding aspect with selfishness, especially in older children. And that's something parents wish to suppress, so it gets pushed into the Shadow. We might become Buddhist and practice "Equalizing self with others" and other methods to generate the Bodhi Mind. So selfishness has become an evil shadow that must be eradicated at all costs by a realization of the emptiness of the Self.
When expressed in these terms selfishness does seem to be a delusion we can do without. But that is one extreem. On the opposite extreem it exists and it has a function. Perhaps selfishness is our cry for freedom and autonomy. The developing ego is simply asserting itself. In the Asteraceae this selfishness expresses a sensitivity to injury.
Family Sensations: Hurt, Injury. Burnt, Shock.
Comparison of Miasmatic Aspects to determine the stages of Millfolium and Artemisa.

The Stages
Anthemis Roman Chamomile (Stage 1).
Character: Oversensitive. Angry. Rude.
Chamazulene (Antioxidant, Analgesic, Antiallergenic)
Coumarin (Analgesic/Anasthetic. Antitumor Gi/Kidney/Prostate)
Clinical: Colic, Coryza, Dyspepsia, Headache, Liver congestion.
Caltha Palustris: Calendula (Stage 3)
Character: Suppression hurt, esp. Cutting remarks.
Caryophyllene (Antiinflammatory, Antitumor, Sedative)
Myristic-acid (Cancer preventive, Antioxidant)
Clinical: Abrasions, Lacerations, Burns, Abscess, Erysipelas.Eupatorium perfoliatum - Bone Set (Stage 3).
Character: Wants company; to be held.
Eupatorin (Anticarcinomic, Antimalarial)
Astragalin (Antileukemic, Immunostimulant)
Helenalin (Antiarthritic, Antirheumatic, Antitumor, Cardiotoxic)
Quercetin (Antiarthritic, Anticarcinogenic, Antidepressant)
Rutin (Antiatherosclerotic, Antiherpetic, Antioxidant)
Gallic acid (Carcinogenic, Antimutagenic, Immunostimulant )
Clinical: Chills, bone pains, Gout, Rheumatism, Malaria, Wounds.
Carduus Marianus Milk Thistle (Stage 11)
Character: Listless, easily angered. Weakess of memory.
Silymarin (Antioxidant, Antihepatotic)
Clinical: Alcohol Abuse, Asthma, Bronchitis, Gallstones, Hepatitis, Liver disorders, Rheumatism, Sciatica,
Seneco Aureus (Stage 12)
Otosenine (Hepatatoxic)
Senecionine (Antitumor, Hepatotoxic)
Clinical: Amenorrhea, Gonorrhea, Prostatitis, Sciatica. Kidney inflammation, Lumbago, TB, Wounds.
Bellis Perennis: Daisy (Stage 13)
Character: Detatched. Compensates by acting tough.
Clinical: Achne, Blows, Breast tumours, Lamness, Rheumatism, Gout, Over-work, Psoriasis, Neuritis, Herpes.
Achillea :Millefolium Yarrow (Stage 14)
Character: Moaning and irritable. Thinks everyone is a devil.
Stigmasterol (Antiophidic, Estrogenic, Sedative, Anticarcingen)
Camphor (Cancer preventative, Fungicide, Convulsant)
Azulene (Antispasmodic,Antiallergenic)
Inulin (Antidiabetic.Anticarcingen - Breast/Colon Cancer)
1,8-Cineole (Anticarcinogenic, CNS)
Inula (Stage 15).
Inulin (Antidiabetic.Anticarcingen - Breast/Colon Cancer)
Azulene (Antispasmodic,Antiallergenic)
Alantolactone (Antixoidant, Immunostimulant)
Stigmasterol (Antiophidic, Estrogenic, Sedative,Anticarcingen)
Clinical: Backache, Bronchitis, Cramp, Dysmenorrhea, Erysipelas, Sciatica.
Echinacea purpurea (Stage 16)
Character: Run down. Dread. Hates contradiction.
Alumen (root 13,000ppm)
Calcium Carbonate (14,000ppm)
Cobalt (148ppm)
Iron (48,00ppm)
Magnesium (1860ppm)
Phosphorus (790ppm)
Potassium (8,000ppm)
Silicate (15,000ppm)
Sulphate (2,450ppm)
Artemisia : Mugwort relative of Wormwood (Stage 17).
Character: Spiteful. Amoral.
Chamazulene (Antioxidant, Analgesic, Antiallergenic)
Inulin (Antidiabetic.Anticarcingen - Breast/Colon Cancer)
Vulgarin (Antitumor, Cardiotonic, Parasympathomimetic)
Stigmasterol(Antiophidic, Estrogenic, Sedative,Anticarcingen)
Adenine (Myocardiotonic, CNS stimulant, Diuretic)
Camphor (Cancer preventative, Fungicide, Convulsant)
Coumarin (Analgesic/Anasthetic. Antitumor Gi/Kidney/Prostate)
A-pinene (Antiviral, Allergenic,Anticarcinogen)
Compare - Artemisia constituents with its Sx., (from RADAR).
Chest - palpitation of heart
Extremities - convulsions
Excitement - before epilepsy
Bladder - retention of urine during convulsions
Female - Itching
Menses - complaints of.
Fever - Intermittant
Allergic - to asprin
Circulation - complaints of.
Melanoma, lymphoma, epithelioma.
Jan compares the childish, immature remedies of this Family to Stage 3. The search for individuation and self identity can also look like the Carbon Series or even the Lanthanide Series (all actually aspects of Stage 3 of the Gold Series).