The ranunculaceae family arranged in order of deepening pathology (stages).
There are many sensitive and delicate remedies in this family. They are a vunerable group. The emotional pathology is centered around the need to be appreciated, so there is sensitivity to disappointment and mortification, and the result is grief, anger over trifles, homesickness, withdrawal and emotional numbness. Dr. Sankaran discovered that the word "vexation" describes this familiy.
Consider the expression of "Vexation" in Puls and Staphy:

How might the degree of vexation relate to the Stages?
Aconite (Stage 2) Dr. Rajan: "Suddenly and deeply vexed".

Pulsatilla (Stage 3) Dr. Rajan: "Avoiding situations which cause vexation".

Scholten: D.D. Lactic acid, "The girl that never grows up". Berylium is also yielding. These both suggest an affinity with Stage 2 of the Carbon Series. The most yielding and hesitant remedy of the Ferrum Series is Vanadium at Stage 5.
Some ambitious Pulsatilla people have an affinity with the Silver Series - Ailments from literary or scientific failure. They are still cautious and easily discouraged (trifles), which is bang on Yttrium at Stage 3.
Pulsatilla can also be religious but their spirituality has a doubting and fearful aspect; consider Lanthanum (Stage 3) who feels confused and insecure about his Self, and also Cerium who wants to be autonomous but feels too frightened and vunerable, and like Puls, gives way to trying to please others.
Actea-spicata (Stage 5) Dr. Rajan: "Trying not to be vexed".

Egotism. Obstinate. Hysteria. Libertinism.
Despair about trifles. Lamenting. Loathing of life.
Self-deception. Delusion: Everything will fail.
DD Stage 5: Vanadium - postponing work. Niobium - postponing creation. Praseodymium - hesitating to be autonomous.
Ran-b (Stage 8) Dr. Rajan: "Intermittantly vexed".

Ambition. Hurry. Anxiety and Fear of falling, of work.
Sensitive. Cowardice - delusion of being at war.
Despair and Loathing. Abusive. Censorious. Sardonic.
DD Stage 8: Ferrum - perservering at work. Ruthenum - perservering with ideas. Samarium - forcing yourself to be independent.
Staphysagria (Stage 10) Dr. Rajan: "Keeping control in vexing situations".

Shame. Silent Grief. Anger. Egotism. Indignation and wounded honour.
She is above reproach. Delusion: Lowness of others while he is great, like Platina, also Stg 10. There also is an affinity with Argentum at Stage 11, who holds on to his creative accomplishments.
Dr Scholten points out an interesting affinity with Magnesium Lactatum, his "difficult little girl", Stage 2 - Silica Series; Staphy children who have been dominatined (loss of control) can get quite upset (mortification) and become angry and abusive. But Mags are more frightened of abandonment than Staphies are. He also points out that like Staphy, Silica kids can be quite indignant little "victims" - pointing back to Stage 10 again!
So what is Staphy like in her work environment (Ferrum Series)? We have ailments (such as suppressed anger) from repremands or reproaches from loss of position, reverse of fortune and wounded honour. Ferrums hate criticism and failure. Jan gives, "must be on top and have everything under control", for Niccolum (Carcinosin, verily)! Niccloum has a sense of nobility about his work. Would a wounded Staphy look like Cuprum (rubric, paralyis from anger) or even Zincum (Delusions, smaller)?
The artistic and creative Staphy (art - ability for) might look like Palladium (Delusions, tall) or Argentum (above). Is there an autonomous, self-realised Staphy? If so she would look like Gadolinium, Self-centered and self-fullfilled, and in control of her autonomy. She would hate anything that disturbed her balance and harmony. Sounds like the familiar Staphy ?
Cimicifuga (Stage 13) Dr. Rajan: "Trapped and oppressed by a vexing situation".

Dejected. Disappointed love.
Enveloped by dark clouds. Despair. Suicidal.
DD Stage 13: Gallium - Work, nostalgia for old methods. Indium - outdated art. Thalium - dogmatic leadership. Holmium - bitter.
Helleborus (Stage 15) Dr. Rajan: "Iunsensitive and blunted by vexatmion".

Brooding. Contempuous. Religious Despair. Prophesying.
Feels Lost or Persued. Fear of evil.
Indifference to family. Envy - seeing others happy.
DD Stage 15: Arsenicum - Redundancy. Antimony - loss of creativity. Bismuth - loss of power. Thulium - loss of Self - anniliation.
Clematis (Stage 16) Me: "Overcome by vexation".

Amoral. Heedless. Loss of will and ambition. Despair.
Thoughts of death. Longing for the repose of death.
Fear of people. Delusion: Falling.
DD Stage 16: Selenium - Indifferent to your task. Tellurium - neglecting creativity. Polonium - lost power. Ytterbium - Decaying autonomy.
Refs: Dr. Rajan Sankaran, "An insight into Plants Vol II".
Dr. Jan Scholten, "Homeopathy and the Elements".
hey steph, i like the way u combine Dr. Rajan Sankaran with Dr. Jan Scholten