Structuralism and the Plant Kingdom

- Steph Nile
- Frodsham (Chester), Cheshire, United Kingdom
- Interests: Philosophy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Buddhism, Psychosynthesis, Hypnotherapy and R.E.B.T.
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Stage 7 - the control freaks
Stage 7 people are often described in the Homeopathic literature as control freaks - totally unable to delegate. They do this because they feel the need to keep their eye on the ball all the time - in case something goes wrong. They are not quite sure of themselves. Sometimes they hesitate if the challenge looms too large.
Rhenium, in the Gold Series, does have power, bags of it, they will take on all sorts of challenges, but sometimes they just don’t have quite enough to get over the obstruction. Its not quite enough to feel totally comfortable and confident... so they are glad of a helping hand. A bit of cooperation is needed!
They can get into a failed state if there’s no one there to push them forward. They become 'worriers'!
Is this the case?
First Proving impressions- Rhenium
I’v been in an unwanted Osmium crisis situation recently:
Day One -
As far as sensations go I’d describe Rhenium as primordial fire (P) + ether (V). Absolutely electric.
Rhenium gave a feeling of being able to share responsibility and delegate; being more able to ask to help, its not all down to me. I dont have to ’carry’ anyone. Others seem lees insignificant, their opinions more mature. I dont have to take responsibility for *Everything*. What a relief!
- Much less lonely; I can share feelings and worries that I have been stewing over. I’m becoming more open, trusting & loving!
I can just be me. I don’t have to be the Boss. ’
Just … let it be.
R E L A X !
Day Two -
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Homeopathy vs. Ayurveda
Does anyone remember the English Homeopath and Teacher, John Damonte?
He developed a fairly sophisticated 4-Element Map to highlight patterns in the imbalances he observed in patients. Misha Norland, another famous English Homeopath took this further in his book ”The Four Elements in Homeopathy”.
I would like to introduce some of the more obvious and easily identified ’elemental’ characteristics of one or two substances found in the Periodic Table and then move on to describe how they are used in Ayurvdea.
So, following in the footsteps of John Damonte and Misha Norland lets see if we can identify some of the elemental characteristics of Aurum Met. Look at the list of rubrics ... does anything there intuitively suggest the dominance of any particular element? Aurum prides himself on his sense of responsibility so what about the rubric, 'anger from contradiction'? Getting 'Hot under the collar' is an expression that brings to mind the fiery nature of anger. So Aurum definitely has plenty of 'fire'!
On the opposite pole, Aurum can feel crushed and useless, he has failed and life is no longer worth living. Where has all his fire gone now? Making an intuitive leap we could say his fire has been 'put out' ... which suggests the water element has some role in the picture of Aurum's pathology. We do naturally associate the water element with emotions sometimes, especially with grief ... when we cry we 'melt into tears'.
So, fire and water play a part in Aurum pathology. Does the air element? We often associate the air element with thoughts - cold reason and subtle discrimination, both could be said to have cutting associations - cutting, like a cold wind. Aurum is full of self-reproach - which is virtually an act of cutting oneself.
So the three main elements are out of balance in the Aurum patient. These are counteracted by the remedy if its is given in the right potency because these elements are present in the remedy in similar proportions.
What a fascinating way to describe the characteristics and action of a Homeopathic Remedy!
The proving symptoms of Tungsten (below) show how changes the balance of the doshas due to the remedy affect the mood and perception of the provers. This study provides a remarkable insight into the proving experience.
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Doshas rebalanced by Tungsten |
The language they use gives us an exceptionally clear idea of how each dosha influences perception of the situation.
Pitta decreases markedly, and as Vata increases there's a feeling of detachment or spaciness, which is a very typical vata expression.
Dreamy calmness is typical of Kapha increase.
Historically, these elemental concepts gave rise to the historical idea of 'Hippocratic Temperaments'. Similar use is made of the element concept in Acupuncture and Ayurveda. Each system has its own inner coherence and beauty - and we can learn from them all, but a sometimes a little confusion can arise when making cross-cultural comparisons.
In Ayurveda, the Choleric temperament is traditionally associated with heat and the fire element (Pitta dosha). The Phlegmatic temperament is associated with moisture and water (Kapha dosha). The Melancholc temperament is associated with air and space (Vata dosha).
These elements can be mixed together in various ways, according to different schools of thought - in Ayurveda the fourth traditional element, earth, is not studied alone - it only found mixed together with water to enhance the description of Kapha... to give the muddy and sticky image of the mucous produced in Kali-bi conditions!
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Doshas after proving - Kapha (phlegmatic type sx). |
Do these correspondences conform to our expectations? Vata is characterised by air qualities such as worry, fear and coldness. Are these experiences confined to the naturally occurring gaseous elements like Oxygen, Nitrogen? Does Pitta manifest in the hot elements? Kapha in cold, static elements?
The table below shows some of the main characteristics of the three Doshas with examples of remedies which markedly exhibit these attributes.
rLung, (Vata) the wind element is an aspect of the breath and it is closely associated with the nervous system. Normally, vata produces enthusiasm and creativity. Its balance is easiliy disturbed by desire and attachment. Concern with external factors, like the wind disturbing the treetops, produce excessive mental activity, which manifests itself as troubled, erratic thinking, capricious moods, excited loquacity and active dreams. This kind of stress, causes hurried, impatient, busy and often obsessional minds. As a result of being a bit impulsive and scatter-brained their finances can end up in a mess. Elemental Properties and Modalities : Light, mobile and quick. Coarse, rough, hard and piercing. These sensations are exemplified by the pains of arthritis. Its roughness can be seen in the hair and fingernails. It is dry and absorbant like the spongy tissues of the lungs. We can easily find many examples of rLung symptoms which reflect these properties in the repertory and produce an analysis which gives a list the remedies of this type, (square brackets indicate B. Bhattacharya's analysis of each one).
Minerals ...
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Tripa, (Pitta) inner heat, is associated with the endochrine system. It normally gives clarity, determination and courage. When over-stimulated it manifests as competitiveness, then other people are percieved as being in the wrong, and we often feel that we are under attack. The result is dictatorial egotism, irritability and anger. When anger is out of control it becomes hatred and violence, which are often reflected in destructive dreams of battles and fighting. Elemental Properties and Modalities : Hot and dry. Light and quick. It is sharp, acidic, pungent and purging. Boils, ulcers and acid indigestion are typical Tripa complaints.
Minerals ...
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Badkan (Kapha) is associated with fluids, especially with the blood, and it also mixes with the earth element. Its softness and smoothness give tolerance and love. Its heaviness helps us to relax, so sleep is usually deep and there can be romantic dreams. When it is stimulated by delusions, its heavy nature gives rise to physical and emotional sluggishness, apathy and dullness. This may produce a rather boring and monotonous voice. Opinions and relationships are formed cautiously. Opinions are then held doggedly, which gives rise to ignorance and can result in a lack of consideration for others[6]. In financial dealings, their cautious investments can amount to miserliness, and this greed itself produces a tendency to envy. Elemental Properties and Modalities : The water element in the body is cool, soft, oily, sticky and slow, like mucous. Earth is dry, heavy, solid and slow, like bone. Poor circulation and congestion are typical complaints.
Do these proposed correspondences conform to the expectations arising from our knowledge of the Periodic Table and of the corresponding remedies? Even though the three symptom repertorisations above take only a small number of generalised complaints the results are interesting. The more characterisitic symptoms we add the clearer the differences between the three temperaments becomes.
Vata is characterised by 'air 'qualities such as worry, fear and coldness. Are these experiences confined to the naturally occurring gaseous elements like Oxygen, Nitrogen? The remedies suggested certainly do worry and suffer anxiety.
Does Pitta manifest in the hot elements? Think of the burning symptoms of Hepar Sulp. Are kapha traits found in the heavy, cold and static elements? This is certainly true of the Calcs. Baryta carb is another heavy, slow remedy. Phos-ac suffers exhaustion badly.
Comment: Were the best rubrics selected to represent each Dosha?
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Rasa (taste) and Virya (energy)
The interaction of the elements with the Doshas
The Rasa (taste) and Virya (energy) of a substance or food (food is regarded as medicine in Ayurveda) can be used to predict what effects it will have on the doshas using the principle of 'like increases like'. Kapha, which is cold, heavy and dull is increased in winter, and Pitta, which is hot, mobile and sharp, increases in summer. Vata, which is dry, light and cold also increases in autumn as the cold winds begin to blow.
Kapha, which is basically mucous, is a mixture of the earth and water elements, has the properties of fluidity and density. If we add a dense, sticky substance to a site of Kapha aggravation the site will become even denser and eventually blocked. Knowing this we should try to reduce the Kapha aggravation by prescribing a substance with the opposite qualities, i.e. dry, light, and hot. The light and hot qualities can liquify heavy, fatty obstructions. The drying quality can reduce the stickiness, or oiliness of the obstruction. These particular qualities are found in pungent foods and herbs.
An imbalance in the doshas can be corrected quite easily by paying attention the aggravating factors. When the doshas first become unbalanced the endoderm is affected quite quickly, first giving rise to quantitative psoric changes. If the prodromal psoric symptoms are ignored the aggravation grows and spreads until eventually sycotic symptoms arise in the ectoderm. When the inbalance is severe enough, and prolonged enough, the deeper tissues of the mesoderm are structurally affected giving rise to more sycotic and even syphilitic changes.
It is important to recognise the early signs of disease and do something about it! A change in dietry habits, especially an informed and thereby increased sensitivity to the bodies own promptings and cravings for different tastes may be sufficient. In most cases (i.e. other than addictions) your cravings are telling you what to do. This is why food cravings are given such emphasis in Homeopathy.
The attributes associated with Rasa and Virya are so important that the original Sanskrit name, Gunas, is still used today to describe their interaction with the three doshas. An assessment of these Gunas, or attributes, is starting point for the determination of potential interaction of any substance with the Doshas.
The listing of the twenty opposing Gunas below shows their Doshic affinity in brackets. The doshic affinites are highlighted in the illustratation on the right.
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The Gunas and their relationships with the Doshas. |
Cold (V) <-> Hot (P)
Static (K) <-> Mobile (V)
Soft (K) <-> Hard
Oily (P) <-> Dry (V)
Transparent (V) <-> Cloudy (K)
Dull (K ) <-> Sharp (P)
Smooth (K) <-> Rough (V)
Gross (K) <-> Subtle (V)
Dense (K) <-> Liquid (P)
Gunas, can simply be regarded as elemental forces - heating, cooling, heavy, light and so on. Consider, the description of Kapha - at the start of the article, a warming influence on cool, sticky Kapha secretions induces expansion and softening, hence a static, sticky clump becomes more dynamic and liquid.

Once the insulting influence is removed and Doshas rebalanced the tissues will normally begin to heal. The figure, right, shows how a substance (e.g. food or herb) high in Pitta and Vata qualities might affect the sticky Kapha obstruction already described.
As one gradually becomes more familiar with Ayurveda one starts looking at available foods in a different way. The biochemical approach to nutrition, that of studying proteins, carbs, vits and so on begins to seem rather mechanical. One begins to use observation and gradually develop a deeper appreciation of how these qualities affect us our body. We can gradually become sensitive to what our body is asking for - instead of mechanically applying some formulaic dietary plan.
In principle, astringent substances, which are drying, cooling and heavy will reduce Kapha in certain conditions.
- In a condition of excess Kapha, such as a runny nose, the drying energy reduces the excess liquid. Astringency, having an earthy component makes Kapha heavier and denser. Following this line of thiking an pungent substance (e.g. garlic), wich is light, drying and warming would benefit a cold where there is heavy congestion more than an astringent substance (e.g. rhubarb).
Similarly the cooling energy will reduce pitta and tend to make kapha molecules move slowly, become sticky and even solidify.
We have to consider all three Doshas when selecting a therapeutic food or a herb. Pitta dosha, the fire of combustion and chemical energy in the body, is increased by substances with warming energy, especially by the pungent taste, which is light, drying and warming. At the same time warming energy makes kapha more mobile. The consequence of increasing Pitta is that excess Kapha will be burned off.
Vata, which is by nature quick, dry and cold, is increased by the dry quality of pungent substances and decreased by the heat.
The elemental qualities of the Six main Tastes
Taste is imparted by the sap of the plant - its essence. The dominant elements affect the taste, e.g. Sweet is a mixture of Earth + Water. Sweet taste has a warming energy.
Salty taste is a mixture of Fire + Water. It has a warming energy (think of hot water), which increases Pitta. The water element makes salty tasting substances quite heavy. This tends to increase Kapha.
Astringency has drying (air) and heavy (earth) properties. The drying property reduces kapha (earth/water). Since astringent herbs have a cooling effect they tend to reduce pitta (fire).
The bitter taste has drying, light rasas and cooling virya. The rasas increase vata and reduce kapha, whilst the cooling virya decreases pitta.
So - its possible to re-classify the plant remedies according to Rasa/Virya. There's no conflict with Misha's circular Mappa Mundi system of elemental correspondancies. The two layouts, one circular and the other vertical, as above, compliment each other.
Homeopathic Potency and Ayurveda
Ayurveda, like Herbal Medicine, is a study of substances, often in the form of tictures or powders, which are derived from the mother substance, usually the living plant. Homeopathy is a study of the behaviour of the same substances in potency. The Nutritional and Homeopathic pathways differ slightly - I would like to suggest that the homeopathic pathway seems to be the reverse. The energetic attributes (gunas) of the remedy appear to affect the subtle layers first.

The superfine molecules help nourish Ojas which is derived from Kapha dosha, Tejas which is derived from Pitta dosha, and Prana which is derived from Vata. Para Ojas is present as subtle drops of 'nectar' in the heart chakra and gives rise to great bliss in meditation. It is described as soma in Rig Veda.
Dr. Vasant Lad describes Tejas as "the burning flame of intelligence", and it gives rise to pure awareness when we meditate on emptiness. Prana allows us to combine bliss with emptiness. This meditation enhances all the Koshas, the subltle sheaths of the body and mind which are intimately connected with the Chakras.

A prescription, in higher potency, which is truly well indicated will affect the subtle Koshas and Chakras beneficially and stimulate a healing response. The healing changes and adjustments then emanate throughout the body from these subtle levels down to the tissues.
A poorly selected prescription, which does not correspond to the patients real inner being, is experienced by the subtle sheaths as alien, causing proving symptoms to appear, possibly along with aggravation and shock. According to Dr. Lad the same happens with injections, because the vaccine isn't naturally and gently transformed by the bodies subtle energies (agni in sanskrit).
Clearly, even more care is required with very high potencies. In Ayurveda, as in Homeopathy, the deepest curative potential of any herb will not be demonstrated in any individual selected at random. The Ayurvedic practioner takes a full case to determine the discrepancy between an individuals Prakriti (original constitution) and their Vikruti (clinical presentaion).
* Different traditions describe the subtle channels and winds in their own way. All seem to agree that these channels connect us to to the outside world of experience and converge on the chakras. The simplest way I can think of to explain the concept of 'inner winds' is to imagine what would be left if your thoughts stopped. This is exactly what happens in Mahamudra meditiation - the inner winds, from gross to subtle, are drawn into the central channel by the force of concentration. As these winds settle thoughts and delusions decrease untill we are left focussed on the nature of the mind itself.
Monday, 26 March 2012
Enjoying, sharing and maintaining in Stage 11.
Once we reach Stage 11 we want to share the benefits of our accomplishments. The project is complete and we prosper. However, there is great tension in this Stage. You have to keep checking that its all running smoothly. The tension comes from the feeling they are on the verge of failure. Tension is reflected very strongly in the physical symptoms.
- The Stage 11 remedy of the Ferrum (work) Series is Cuprum. All the Ferrums want to protect themselves but they are usually obliged to put up with “the rules of the game”, so their own feelings get suppressed, and they can feel guilty if their performance is sub-standard.
In Cuprum the feeling is that they can't ease up for a moment. They have to keep everything under control so they follow the rules carefully. They are always checking. They think they are faultless, so they don't like criticism and will deal it out.
- AMBITION - increased - competitive.
- DUTY - too much sense of duty. Takes responsibility too seriously.
- MIND - CHANGE - aversion to. FEAR - failure, of
- HARDHEARTED. RAGE. HATRED - revengeful; hatred and.
- SUSPICIOUS. DELUSIONS - thieves - seeing.
- THOUGHTS - compelling.
- MIND - FEAR - failure, of - confirmation; needs constant
- The Stage 11 remedy of the Silver Series (intellect) is Argentum. In this series the focus is on performance and perfection. They are creatively inspired and want to be special.
In Argentum they want to hold onto the success of their creativity. They are full of ideas but their fear is that it will all come crashing down. They are very social but their anxieties make them tense.
- SENSITIVE - opinion of others; DREAM of quarrels with friends;
- CONSCIENTIOUS about trifles.
- MANIA - alternating with - depression.
- IDEAS - abundant. Ideas, deficiency of.
- SELF-CONTROL - loss of self-control.
- CHECKING - twice or more;
- THOUGHTS - compelling
-DELUSON - fail, everything will.
Argentum is frequently given in the form of Arg Nit. The Nitricum can add a sense of compression or pressure - they want something and want it now; it it doesn't happen they can become enraged. They will fight for what they want or what they believe, a bit like Causticum, who is incensed by injustice to the point of becoming an Anarchist. However Causticum's objective is to protect others, family, friends, society - its a more 'social animal'; Nitricums needs are rather more self centered!
- The Stage 11 remedy of the Lanthanides (inner power) is Terbium. The focus of the Lanthanides is on self-control and inner strength. Their efforts are directed toward achieving strength of mind.
In Terbium they need to keep control over themselves. They appear confident but being out of control is a serious issue, so they often get into yoga and other disciplines.
When out of balance Terbiums, rather like Arsenicums, can be very controlling (they can be a pain in the butt, to put it bluntly). This can develop when they are responsible for a situation that seems to be right at the limits of their capacity. So everything has to be perfect. Again, just like other Stage 11 remedies, the accounts have to be checked and balanced, and they have to show a profit. Only then can they can enjoy life! The nit-picking conflicts they tend to create in difficult times can be very irritating. When their troubles are acknowledged they begin to trust others and learn to delegate.
Terbium Carb in particular, relaxes all this tension allowing the original autonomous personality to come shining through. Autonomy and self-respect need not depend on anything. Others are capable of autonomy too, and that the river still flows without their help!
The physical tension in this remedy can very intense indeed.
- SELF-CONTROL - radiating an aura of control.
- The Stage 11 remedy of the Gold Series (power) is Aurum. The focus of the Gold Series is responsibility. They use their power to rule – for better or for worse.
In Aurum they want to hold onto their power. They are very serious and responsible, and don't like to be accused of negligence.
- SELF-CONTROL - increased.
- THOUGHTS - compelling.
-DELUSON - fail, everything will.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Linguistic Methodololy
Recently I'v been looking for the common lexical ground shared by Sankaran's miasms and Scholten's Stages - so far with encouraging results. With care we can get some correlation between Stages/Miasms in *Minerals* and in *Plants*, so that 'Stage 17' for example includes all the 'antisocial' remedies, not just minerals. The question of Plant or Mineral doesnt come into it initially - its the antisocial behavoiur we notice first - so have the great homepathic authors sold us a pup in insiting that Kingdom Differentiation is the first step ... ?
Ferdinad De Saussure defines 'Langue' as the totality of the language and 'Parole' as the words we use most often e.g. in Homeopathy ... quite a small sub-set of what is available. The parole of Homeopathy includes keywords, concepts, themes, rubrics and so on.
These are the keywords we feed in to any analysis. However, these keywords trigger a huge spectrum of spurious associations across all the Kingdoms.
The answer? To reorganise conventional concepts and groups by grouping similar rubrics or keywords according to lexical distance or similarity.
A tree diagram (dendrogram) would highlight the lexical distance of the rubric DOMINEERING from the rest of a group of rubrics which included TIMIDITY and YIELDING. The result of this clustering method is a linguistic tree for each remedy based on lexical similarity … e.g. where the node TIMIDITY is not far from YEILDING and many branches away from the antonym DOMINEERING.
In this simplified dendrogram there are 4 or 5 main lexical groups (leaves or nodes) in the tree …
Anxiety group (Sil)
Affection group (Sil)
Yielding group (Sil)
Audacity/Anger group (Sil + Oxide)
Abuse group (Oxide)
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Silica - rubrics and concepts dendrogram |
The branch lengths and junctions on the tree show how closely the neighbouring groups are related. All that remains is to match the clinical data to the remedy tree. These are all common rubrics, so the detail in the silica dendrogram above is only sufficient to create a new group of 'Silica-like' remedies...
[ Lyc nux-v sep sil staph puls ign sulph ]
This is the most minimal rubric data we need to describe the group. Once we include 'family' or 'stage' specific keywords i.e. the strange, rare and peculiar symptoms of a remedy the dendrogram is complete and identifies the individual remedy.
A Venn Diagramm is an alternative way of graphically and numerically representing remedy data. When we were taught to differentiate Silca (chronic of Puls) from Pulsatilla the tutor used a similar visual representation to good effect. This is how the ' A.P.G. Tree of Life' is represented in the Plants Database project.
Saturday, 25 February 2012
The hierarchy of existence
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Tree of Life - A Hiearchicial Representation |
The plant kingdom itself is a part of the, bigger more expansive picture, the tree of life, since all living things are included in the tree of life. Looking in the other direction, towards the components of the plant kingdom itself we observe a massive diversity of life forms that are all 'plant-like'. These forms are grouped by genetic similarity into groups known as orders, and these orders are themselves grouped into families.
So as we look at the parts of the plant kingdom in more detail we find plant families whose members all have some genetic similarity. These genetic similarities impart some special evolutionary advantage to each family which allows this family to proliferate. We are all well aware of the differences between an onion (Monocots::Liliaceae) and a lemon (Dicots::Rutaceae) but both families are still members of the larger group - the plantae.
When we look closely at samples from any plant family under the microscope we see tissues, which themselves are comprised of parts such as vessels, leaf parenchyma, chloroplasts. At higher magnification we just see cells, which themselves contain further structures called organelles, which themselves are made up of proteins, fats and so on. At this level of investigation all plant material looks pretty much the same!
So, just to recap, looking at the smaller parts we have structural hierarchies within the tissues of the plants. Looking at the tree of life as a whole we larger groups of hierarchies based on structures and tissues which share certain genetic specialisations and adaptations.
This whole explanation seems rather verbose and unwieldy. We just don't have the vocabulary to describe the intermediate nodes on this hierarchical structure succinctly. Arthur Koestler coined the term 'holon' ... from the Greek holos, meaning whole, with the suffix 'on' indicating its particulate nature.
As I said, hierarchies spring to mind whenever we look at any structure or object. Even an apparently innocent object such a table, which at first glance appears to exist naturally, without any parts, is in fact dependent on the legs, the wood, and even the carpenter, his tools and so on. Any functioning thing, from an insect colony to the pentagon (to use Koestler's examples), arises in dependence upon its holons.
Can you find anything that does not arise in dependence on its parts? Anything that does not contribute towards the construction of some larger 'entity' in some way? Anything at all?
But does this view of holonic existence change our view of how the universe is constructed? What seemed to be 'real' and 'solid' is revealed for what it is ... an inconceivably complex interaction of dependent relationships. Our natural perception of the solidity of our world is threatened! Yet out of this holonic complexity an apparent perceptual singularity arises - the World we live and function in.
Because of this complexity this is a fragile world and things are inclined to break down and fall apart at the seams. It is a wonder that anything functions at all! Because we naturally feel that the word is a whole, a singularity, we are surprised and upset when something, somewhere (inevitably) breaks down.
If our happiness depends on the expectation that consumer products arising from a perfectly functioning whole will always be available we are likely to be deeply disappointed sooner or later. Is continual upgrading of car, computer and appliance the only answer? If consumerism has its limits, where can we look for a more lasting source of happiness?
Perhaps the answer is to celebrate the wonder of it all every morning when we open our eyes to a brand new day. Our nearest Red Dwarf, Betelgeuse may indeed go Super-Nova tomorrow ... and Earth may soon have a second Sun!
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Characteristics of the Leprosy Miasm in HIV and Stage 17
Disgust. Great contempt Isolation Dirty Hunted
Intense hopelessness Intense oppression
Tears himself. Bites. Mutilation
Despair Outcast Sadism
Repulsion Loathing
Confine Castaway Seclude
Plant remedies: Secale, Hura, Ocimum-s, Aloe, Cicuta, Mandragora.
Psychologically, the pace of this Miasm can be quite sudden in its onset, usually there is a serious shock or series of shocks in succession that erode our self respect and confidence. Once established the miasm seems to engender a gradual deterioration of human and social values ... which can be perceived as the destruction of the very 'structure' of life. The subjective feelings simple reflect the intensity of the distress experienced. Anguish and depression are common.
A study of HIV and AIDS in the UK provides and example of this pattern of physical and emotional decline.
Humanistic and Cultural Aspects of the picture of AIDS in the UK.
The most horrendous Humanistic and Psychological aspects of the suffering of AIDS have been brought to the attention of the Homoeopathic Community by Misha Norland in his study and proving of aids (1999). He points out that we were all deeply shocked by the initial prospect of exponential contagion and the subsequent death toll. Remember the demonisation of HIV in the T.V. Tombstone Campaign in 1996?
This blatant stereotyping exaggerated negative characteristics which stood out and was used to separate the group from what is considered normal or acceptable.
It was as low on fact as it was high in the fear factor. Regardless of its original intention the whole unfortunate campaign became reminiscent of "Crystal-nacht" in Germany ... and this had a huge Psychological impact on the Public and even more so on many HIV suffers. Any fragile sense of belonging that lingered on was finally dealt a blow from which there was little chance of recovery. Gay HIV patients became regarded as "other" more than ever before.
This all became part of the presenting picture and could also be considered as a maintaining cause in some of the mental and emotional difficulties.
Misha's proving revealed many interesting themes, and it is interesting to note that it appeared in the same decade that research began into genetic meddling across species boundaries to create GM foods. Breaking Boundaries is therefore an important theme, and in particular the whole feeling of being on the outside and having no defences seem to reflect the experience of immunological deficiency as a sensation of needing a shell or barrier on the mental level :-
-Felt very exposed - I had no shell to protect me. I felt that I had lost my wall, my protection and my shell, and there was a free flow of emotions both in and out. I was exposed, almost naked, with no control.
-It feels as though barriers between me and other people can come down with this man.
It appears that the taboo engendered by the Tombstone Campaign made AIDS sufferers feel even more ostracised, and unwanted than ever,
- Began to panic about being rejected in the middle of the night. Panic lasted all day. Feel in need of loads of reassurance.
- Had the desire to be alone. Felt different to and separate from other people. Felt very individual.
- The first thing I noticed after taking the remedy was before hand I had been very sociable and after taking the remedy and about 10 or 15 minutes after, I started to feel very self conscious and kind of almost paranoid and I went and sat in the corner.
- I imagined everything I said was wrong - that I had offended someone.
- Not connecting with people - feelings of isolation - felt, 'nobody loves me'.
These feeling even goes as deep as outright fear ...
- Feelings of paranoia. Felt lied to; that people were plotting against me.
- Fear of authority, adults, schooling. Feelings of powerlessness, vulnerability, failure.
Reckless behaviour is part of the macho image and an important factor in the transmission of HIV ...
- Normally feel easily rejected, now feel great. I loved being on my own. I felt like doing something mischievous. I wanted to do something naked and extravagant. I had no embarrassment with nakedness.
Miasmatic Influences in HIV
Tuberculosis also has an inescapable diagnosis of an early death resulting in a hedonistic intensity for living life to the full, so there is a logical affinity for the tubercular remedies.
There is enough evidence of isolation and estrangement here to suggest the AIDS really falls into the Syphilitic or Leprotic Miasm.
There is also enough to suggest that the breaking down of personal (as well as physical and immunological) boundaries is a regression towards the Carbon Series - where the issue is of the definition and delight in the Sense of Self. This regression seems to arise from a loss of Spirituality - materialistic selfishness.
Was Scholten's Iquilai remedy an element from Stage11 (Del: appreciated not) with a Carbonate? (Germanium has loss of boundaries).
A mental profile derived from repertorising rubrics having the feelings of isolation in AIDS gives Thuja, Positron and Carcinosin.
The Mineral remedies of Stage 17 have an abundance of Leprotic symptoms.
The Stage 17 remedies are all about endings. In every remedy in this column of the Periodic Table something or other is coming to an end. They let go of something normally considered precious.
The first Stage 17 remedy from the Carbon Series is Fluorine. Lets discuss the characteristics found in the carbon series remedies first. We can expect these to influence the remedy to some extent. In fact the Series determines the problematic (symptomatic) area of psychological or social development that is affected. In the Carbon Series the focus is internal... problems related to establishing our sense of Self in relation to family and friends. At the end of the Series, Flourine has the most bouncing, unpredictable and unmanageable ego!
If Stage 17 remedies are about loss and letting go , Flourine is about letting of self-imposed behavioural restrictions. This makes them hard, fast and care-free, these are some the ingredients found in the composition of the criminal mind!
It is self-worth that is coming to an end in this remedy. The reaction is to prop up our sense of worth by exaggerating our performance out there - in society.
The ruthless justice (ferrums) seen in the roles portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson springs to mind immediately. This glamorous character, like Dirty Harry before him, acquires almost Super-Hero Status. He uses any means to accomplish his goal. Clearly this is a great contrast to the collapsed state of HIV described above ... but there are common factors. He is a loner, adamantly and contemptuously going his own way, regardless of risk, always operating outside of social norms and constraints. This makes such good television because it provides the 'normal' socially constrained viewer a measure of freedom and catharsis. This can also happen in the euphoria of demonstrations and pop festivals.
It should not come as any surprise to discover that such flamboyant flouratums are attracted to easy money. It allows them to purchase the accessories and gadgets which accentuate their image and allows them the time and freedom to behave outrageously.
Subconsciously they pay the price ... they can be worried about their health and physique to the extent of becoming physical fitness fanatics ... which can provide yet another opportunity to brag. Society validates these superficial values at every turn and Flouratums take it all onboard - swallowing advertising hook, line and sinker. Although they feel flash and clean on the outside they can feel empty and dirty inside, especially sexually - promiscuity becomes the norm and there are often lewd and 'dirty' dreams.
This dirty feeling may have come from some particular experience such as having a teenage abortion or some unfair accusation or criminal conviction. This is not felt as a sense of guilt however. There is little remorse or guilt in the Flouratums, they are too hardened emotionally, they brush it off (flouride is often added to toothpaste to harden the enamal) - guilt is Bromatum territory.
Chlorine remedies (natrums) being in the Silica Series focus less on self-gratification and more on their family and on relationships. In this Series the ego becomes defined in terms of the binary opposition between self and other (Flouratums couldn't give a jot about others). Because emotions and relationships are the focus Natrums are often the saddest of remedies (just had to include that quote from Spinal Tap!) The Leprotic themes of isolation and separation are felt very tangibly on the emotional level - as profound grief.
The Bromatums belongs to the Ferrum (work) series. This means that their focus is not so intensely directed towards image and ego; they are fully directed towards making connections to the outside world, on the world of conscientious duty and responsibility. They need the protection and security that comes from passing exams and getting a good job. There is a lot of form filling and tick-boxing in this group!
Stage 17 - the end stage of the work series, which brings us to the Bromatums, implies giving up work. It may be through some misfortune, some disability or simply old age . Subsequently they begin to miss the routine of work and need to be 'doing something'. This is the type of guilty feeling and also the source of the restlessness that is typical of the Bromatums. These people suffer greatly when they require support from public funds and benefits. The feeling can escalate to the point where they feel that if they are branded as guilty they may as well hang for a sheep as for a goat.
Bromatums tend to be very passionate and when things go wrong they can respond instinctively and can sometimes be quite dangerous. Their instincts can take control of their reason. As in the other Stage 17 remedies this uncontrolled behaviour can be one factor leading to isolation. They often feel such an intense sense of disgrace that there is a sense that their downfall is apparent to everyone - the result is that they feel awkward and shy. A characteristic symptom is the feeling that someone it looking over your shoulder. Ultimately they want to get away - yet another expression of the isolation typical of the Leprosy Miasm.
The Iodine salts (Iodatums) belong to the Silver Series, hence the concept of the loss of culture ... not only the arts but also in cultural traditions, which in this modern world often means immigration and emigration. There can be such a sense of isolation that they feel as if are walking in a wasteland.
Some Iodatum rubrics reflecting the themes we have been considering …
DISGUST – himself
APPROACHED by persons; being – aversion to
AVERSION – family; to members of
COMPANY – aversion to – sight of people; avoids the
COMPANY – aversion to – strangers, to the presence of
HATRED – persons – offended him
DREAMS – WALKING – ruins, among
The Lanthanide remedy of Stage 17 is Lutetium. The feeling here is that nothing matters anymore. The material world holds no further attraction. They are free, perhaps blissfully, because nothing can harm them and nothing is taboo anymore - but they are floating away; it is the end of the game...
Rien ne va Plus.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Stage 1 (Column one of the Periodic Table)
The basic themes of each remedy are shared by the whole group to some degree, this is especially true in very sensitive patients. As we go down the column the atomic weight increases which changes the expression of these basic themes.
It would be very interesting to compare the Stage 1 remedies with the Lacs (milk remedies)since there quite clearly several developmental themes emerging as we go down this column of the periodic table.
Hydrogen -(the lightest element burns in air to form water)
Expansion and contraction
The lighter elements esp. Hydrogen correspond to the Ayurvedic idea of Akasha. On that theory Hydrogen would indeed be a remedy for ungrounded Vata types. But you would still take the case fully before commiting yourself to making a prescription, of course.
The extreme of Ungroundeness arises from severe vata disturbance. That degree of Vata disturbance could arise from a very SEVERE fright. The traditional Ayurvedic remedy to reduce Vata (airiness) and improve the quality of Kapha (peace) is Withiana Somnifera (Ashwaganda).
Because it is at Stage one it should theoretically have the Stage one themes of ’New Beginnings’ or ’Starting out’, like someone who’s not sure what to try next. In theory every challenge gives rise to difficult dilemmas which stem from uncertainty about one’s sense of SELF and about IDENTITY. In the end decisions are made out of impulse … not properly thought out…. often seeming a bit foolish or even a bit crazy to others.
Hydrogen symptoms in depth
The confusion of identity stems from of loss of boundaries and can take the form of detachment, confusion of sexual identity or a sense of union with a higher consciousness. Loss of boundaries is also found in their spatial perception - giving rise to sensation of being larger or smaller.
The sense of expansion is seen in feelings of love and being in heaven. This reminds me of babies, who at a certain stage, seem to beam with smiles and happiness. The sensation of contraction and smallness may be at the root of their fears and their sense of vulnerability, especially when it is accompanied heavy pathology such as contraction of the chest and palpitation. They feel small, which may give rise to feelings (dreams or delusions) of rejection, dirt, crime, criminality, enemies and escape.
Lithium (a light alkali metal which tarnishes in air)
Lithium met has symptoms of anxiety with confusion, fear, impulsive behaviour and hysteria. There is also sadness, self-mutilation and thoughts of suicide. It is listed under the rubric 'mania - alternating with depression', hence its use in bipolar disorders.
They are timid and sensitive to criticism, so there is a stronger sense of self than is found in Hydrogen. Specific fears include fear of strangers and crowds, which suggest that SELF WORTH is the issue. Their view of the world seems quite self-centered and restricted and I suspect their behaviour would seem selfish to others.
In general the remedies at the beginning of the Carbon Series have little appreciation of their own SELF WORTH and potential. The sense of self-grasping and self-worth becomes more significant, exaggerated and egotistical across the row.
Sodium (a reactive alkali metal)
We don't have much info on the next Stage1 Remedy, Natrium Met; there is sadness, pessimism and despair with anxiety about the future and fear of death. In general they are easily frightened esp. by people.
With little faith in the future their reflections are turned to the past, perhaps to times when they felt less threatened and insecure.
In the Silica Series there are lots of anxieties, but anxieties about getting on with other PEOPLE (RELATIONSHIPS) become more and more prominent. We begin to appreciate other people and hence the importance of knindness and love.
… the anxiety is still felt pretty acutely in Natrium.
Potassium (A soft and extermely reactive metal; oxidsies in air)
Kalium seems to focus the anxiety and fear on what they are going to DO NEXT (fears – anticipation; failure).
They dream of unsuccessful efforts. Sadness and indifference come when they give up.
Kalium is in the Ferrum Series – this is where Dr. Scholten makes the connection between remedies with the wish to be DOING something with EFFORT or WORK of some sort.
(anxieties still seem acute; I dont want to fail – I must DO SOMETHING NOW)
Rubidium (Ignites spontaineously in air)
Rubidium is still full of fears, especially of being trapped or of falling. They are much more assertive and can be abrupt and quite opinionated (haughty). Their behaviour is impatient and impulsive and is described as chaotic in the literature. This reminds me of the 'terrible twos' - the stage where the young child starts to emphatically say "NO!".
Interestingly they are sensitive to music, which gives them great joy and delight. Music is an aspect of culture which develops fully in the Silver series.
Caesium (Alkali - reacts explosively with water)
Caesium met can be obstinate, haughty and manic. Haughtiness, found in Rubidium (above) develops into delusions of superiority in Caesium.
Caesuims fears are similar to the other remedies of Stage 1, except that they fear being murdered and fear insanity. With superiority comes loneliness because they set themselves apart from lesser mortals. If they feel that they must be in command of the situation they can no longer draw support from others. They have to think for themselves, which can be quite a big responsibility. It seems that they may also fear that their attitude may deeply offend others and single them out for trouble. This feeling may be present in their dreams too - like every other Stage 1 remedy, they dream of falling.
The sense of autonomy and responsibility increases across the remedies of the Gold Series and the Lanthanides.
Francium (One of the most unstable elements)
I have no data on Francium. Dr. Scholten believes this series focuses on the development and maturation of intuition and clairvoyance. If this is so Francium's intuition would be very naiave and aspirational - as opposed to reliable. This might attract them to various obscure philosophies and sects.
If the fear of falling, which is found in all the other Stage 1 remedies, is present in Francium I suspect they would be quite supersticious - walking around with placards predicting the end of the world or the collapse of the Euro - rather like the predictions of Nostradamus.
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Sickness during early pregnancy
Symptoms: Nausea, especially in the morning and after eating, may respond to this remedy. She may retch a lot and have the urge to vomit, often without success. Her stomach feels sensitive and crampy, and she may be constipated.
[II] Ipecacuanha (Rubaceae x Typhoid*): Normally enjoys stimulation but easily gets bored and annoyed.
Symptoms: Intense and constant nausea that is felt all day (not only in the morning) with retching and belching. Worse after eating. There can be a white tongue with sour taste and profuse salivation. Nausea not improved by vomiting. Special care needs to be taken is Ipecac is being considered - it can cause loss of blood, with potentially disasterous consequences; Sip L.M.1 (diluted in a litre of water).
[III] Asarum (Aristolochaceae x Ringworm**): Ambitious and haughty but delicate (sensitive and easily upset by obstacles).
Symptoms: Waves of nausea and retching. There is watery saliva but tongue is clean in this remedy. Cool drinks or food may help, but it is hard for her to even think of eating. She is extremely sensitive to everything—especially noise, which can aggravate the nauseous feelings. Forehead aches. Also well known remedy for backache.
[IV] Sepia: Irritable, sad and worn-out. Had enough of her family.
Symptoms: Gnawing, intermittent nausea with an empty feeling in the stomach. She feels worst in the morning before she eats, but is not improved by eating and may vomit afterward. Nausea can be worse when she is lying on her side. Odours of any kind may aggravate the symptoms. Sensation of a lump in the stomach. Heaviness or sensation of a load in the abdomen.
In general the L.M. 1 potency is a little gentler and its action is slighly less prolonged than that of the 30c potency you would buy from the chemsits - but sensitivity to remedies varies from person to person. As a rough guide we could say that this sensitivity increases in people who are not quite so robust.
Further info: [Theory.Potency]
*The feeling in the Typhoid Miasm is that "I have to address this problem right now".
** In the Ringworm Miasm there is a struggle against pessimism, "Oh, not again. I thought I'd got over that".
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Hypnotherapy script to evoke healing Soma
Use your normal induction method and when relaxed introduce these suggestions...
Would you like to imagine that your body can invoke its own healing response? A healing response that you can control at will, amplifying and turning on and off as needed? Just like the volume on your stereo ... it goes all the way to 11.
You have tried relaxation and meditation in the past and you have experienced how wonderfully relaxed your body can become, the wonderful sense of peace and calm this state of relaxation can bring about.
This time I want you to imagine that in this relaxed state your body is now producing a little pool of wonderful somatic healing fluid, it is quite heavy, slightly oily and a little sticky and it is pale red. It resides in our brain tissue and in our spinal column. This fluid contains all the healing chemicals and components our body needs, a flow of endorphins, and even finer bliss molecules, superfine particles that flow through our bodies when we are happy or high ....that science has yet to discover ... we don't need to know their names ... we just know they make us feel happy ... and now you feel very blissful as they are build up, inside you, ready to flood all the sorley parts with a beautiful, unctuous and warming glow.
If you like you can imagine this healing fluid is rather like honey, it is quite like honey, it gently bathes your tissues and cells in the softness and sweetness of life.
Imagine, if you will, that this blissfully healing elixir of life now overflows, it flows, dripping softly down from the crown of your head into your spine, and from there it flows, dripping and spreading, softly down every nerve and channel and beginning to spread down every nerve and channel, spreading gently all over your back and sides. Let it flow now. That's right. All over. Doesn't that feel wonderful?
Healing, fluid warmth flows into your tissues and even into your bones, gently soothing, warming and relaxing every layer of muscle, every sinew and tendon all the way to your marrow ... warm, comforting, relaxing, just like the summer sun. Relax and enjoy these special relaxing, comfortable sensations for a moment or two. That's right, relax ... let go now... enjoy.
These healing molecules flow, by nature into every little nook and cranny, bathing every cell in their warm healing glow. Can you imagine every cell stretching out in the sun and relaxing? Take a moment or two. Let them relax ... deeply immersed into ... bathing in ... this happy, sunny sensation.
As its warmth gently and smoothly penetrates and soothes every painful part you can feel those parts smiling and relaxing. They are bathed in molecules of bliss.... molecules of life. The sense of relaxation is timeless and wonderful. It goes on and on, like an eternity in an hour. So very relaxing. So blissful. That's right. That's wonderful. This level of relaxation is rare and so very special.
How can tension exist in this special blissful feeling? This feeling that you have let yourself experience now. Tensions dissolve into relaxation and bliss allowing natural healing to begin. Let you body rest and heal. That's right. That's wonderful. As you notice the tension leaving your back and sides you notice how remarkably comfortable and relaxed you now feel all over your body. Just let yourself go. Let go. Relax completely.
Post hypnotic suggestions
Can you remember when you felt so relaxed? You will be able to relax, just like this again, anytime you want to. You will be able to settle down whenever you want, very easily, then just turn the dial to 11 and the relaxation will flow again, beautifully and effortlessly.
And as the day goes by you will feel more relaxed, more energised. You might recall this special sense of restful healing from time to time ... or you might forget. It doesn't matter. It will be there anyway. Gently and unobtrusively working for you all through the day and deep into the night ... when you fall into a very special, beautiful and healing slumber.
Saturday, 14 January 2012
WHO - F60.1 Schizoid personality disorder
F60.1 Main points
Individuals with Schizoid Personality Disorder may have particular difficulty expressing anger, even in response to direct provocation, which contributes to the impression that they lack emotion. Their lives sometimes seem directionless. Such individuals often react passively to adverse circumstances. Because of their lack of social skills and lack of desire for sexual experiences, individuals with this disorder have few friendships, date infrequently, and often do not marry. Employment or work functioning may be impaired.
* Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family
* Almost always chooses solitary activities
* Has little, if any, interest in having sexual experiences with another person
* Takes pleasure in few, if any, activities
* Lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives
* Appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others
* Shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affectivity
Rubrics indicating Schizoid disorder ...
MIND - EMOTIONS - predominated by the intellect 8
MIND - COMPANY - aversion to 249
MIND - COMPANY - aversion to - desire for solitude 87
MIND - ESTRANGED - family; from his 27
MIND - INDIFFERENCE - family, to his 23
MIND - INDIFFERENCE - joy of others; to 32
MIND - INDIFFERENCE - everything, to 112
MIND - SENSITIVE - want of sensitiveness 30
The rubrics indicate the following group may help in the treatment of F.60.1 disorders ....
positr. nat-m. sep. nat-sil. lyc. con. nux-v. staph. phos. plat. tritic-vg. op. sulph. sal-fr. bell. hep. nit-ac. plut-n. falco-pe. podo. ozone. anac.
Positron, at the top of the list feels heavy and isolated. Some describe the state as serene, they are enchanted by perfection and irritated by disorder and entropy. In this sate they do not wish to be disturbed or to mix socially.
MIND - DELUSIONS - invaded; one's space is being
MIND - ESCAPE, attempts to - family and children; attempts to escape from her
MIND - ESCAPE, attempts to - run away, to
MIND - ESTRANGED - family; from his
MIND - ESTRANGED - society, from
MIND - HATRED - humankind; of
IRRITABILITY - disturbed, when
The F60.1 core diagnostic points are present in the Positron proving, but F60.1 Schiziod category does not really tell us much about the essential nature of Postironium. It has no mass but it seems to produce a very heavy contemplative state. They dont want their contemplations to be disturbed by trivia. The theme of not caring is marked, but there is a more universal compassion. The focus is on matters of more universal concern - as opposed to social interaction.
However, provings produce symptoms and states in healthy subjects - two postiron cases have been described by David Johnson (Hpathy). Both were significantly withdrawn proir to the remedy. They seem to feel ungrounded and insubstantial. He described this withdrawal 'as having a sense of being physically present but not truly interacting with others'.
Both did start to improve their interactions with others afterwards (
The heaviness invoked by the remedy seems to have provided some degree of social grounding in these cases. Although the F60.1 grouping does not describe the individual nature of the remedies very well it does give some indication of their clinical application.
WHO - F60.0 Paranoid personality disorder
F60.0: Web Definition
A pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the following:
* Suspects, without sufficient basis, that others are harming, or deceiving him
* Preoccupied with unjustified doubts about the loyalty of friends or associates
* Reluctant to confide in others for fear that it will be used against him
* Reads hidden threatening meanings into benign remarks
* Persistently bears grudges, i.e., is unforgiving of insults, injuries, or slights
* Perceives attacks on his character and is quick to counterattack
* Has recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding fidelity of partner
Rubrics suggesting Paranoid Disorder -
MIND - DELUSIONS - accused, she is 2
MIND - DELUSIONS - criticized, she is 36
MIND - DELUSIONS - appreciated, she is not 25
MIND - DELUSIONS - persecuted - he is persecuted 63
MIND - FEAR - poisoned - being poisoned; fear of 31
MIND - DELUSIONS - pursued; he was 36
MIND - DELUSIONS - enemy - surrounded by enemies 10
Remedies in 4 or more rubrics - gives the following paranoid disorder group
hyos. anac. lach. dros. verat. zinc. laur. positr. kali-br. rhus-t. ars. bell. merc. stram. aids. aur. carc. ign. staph. verat-v. ambr. hydrog. moni. plb. sulph.
Hyoscamus, the top remedy in this group is well known for its lack of trust, especailly in childhood. These children may have a close bond with one parent, usually their mother that is difficult to break. This bonding is often associated with fear and domestic violence. They feel unwanted and that they themselves are to blame for all their parents neglect.
In adults this insecurity manifests in the delusion that their spouse is unfaithful. They become very jealous and the sense of betrayal can result in violence. Eventually they become suspicious of everyone. The feeling is that people are out to 'get you'.
Conclusion: This group of remedies should arise in any case of Paranoid personality disorder. It follows that although this kind of grouping is very broad, covering a wide range of possible presentations, it gives a rough and ready diagnostic tool, however individual differences and characteristics determine the final remedy selection. This final differentiation only comes from a close understanding of each remedy.
A richer description of Hyos (and other plant remedies) can be found at my Plants Database Project: ; click on 'Solanales'.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Remedies from the Garden - The Tiger Lily
In early summer small clump of Tiger Lilies unfold their beautiful flowers, and I can be proud of the fact that they have made her home in my modest little plot.
The Tiger Lily is a refined, precious, delicate, feminine and glamorous flower, and gazing upon her can evoke feelings of excitement and passion. It is little wonder that the Tiger Lily has become an important Homeopathic remedy for female problems. The homeopathic picture that has evolved from many careful trials, is of a haughty, domineering woman, her sense of self-importance is such that her very presence makes lesser mortals cower. An example from popular culture would be Corrie's Sylvia Cropper, the outspoken mother of café owner Roy, who can only be seen to associate with a 'better class' of gentleman.
Homeopathy has suffered much in the press, but despite this many dedicated individuals pursue this discipline. I emphasise dedication because the homeopathic properties of any remedy are found by testing its effects on healthy subjects - usually students! To accomplish this a sample is ground up with mortar and pestle and then subject to a series of dilutions, which are vigorously agitated at each stage. These dilutions determine the potency of the final product.
The properties of the original sample are of course, the same as those reported by chemists, herbalists, and sometimes from reported cases of poisoning. Poisonings show the full impact of the substance upon our health in the most dramatic way possible. In case you were wondering, the Tiger Lily is non toxic for humans, in fact the bulbs are edible - but some species will give your cat acute kidney failure. In Herbal medicine its affinity for the female reproductive system is acknowledged - a tincture from the plants is used to relieve uterine neuralgia and ittiration. It is also said to reduce sickness in pregnancy.
The Flower Essence remedy, which is made by letting the flowers stand in a bowl of water in the sun, is said to promote feminine values in our arguably over-masculinised culture gently and without aggression. We might well have a modicum of scepticism for this gentle method of preparation, but in general the themes reported by Flower Essence enthusiasts do have some degree of correspondence with those found in the Homeopathic literature. It is at least worth noting that this theme of gently allowing the penetration of female values is quite similar to Homeopathic interpretation of the remedy as 'the overbearing female' who subsequently becomes a much gentler and friendlier person.
The information from all these sources is invaluable as it gives a broad impression of the potential impact of a remedy on our body. As you would intuitively expect Homeopathic dilution reduces the most harmful effects of the original substance. In a serial dilution of 6c there is very little of the original substance left. This is, by and large, depending on the toxicity of the substance, considered to be the lowest potency that is safe to prescribe without poisoning the subject. The effects of this potency are quite physical. The higher potencies tend to effect the emotional and mental spheres.
Quite a remarkable picture has emerged from the trials of Tiger Lily (these are known as provings)
Participants in past provings reported a feeling of disconnection and aloofness. It is quite an irritable and humourless state and offence is easily taken because there is a feeling that her 'beautific' state must never be besmirched by anything remotely vulgar. It is as if this sense of poise is really quite fragile and can easily be overwhelmed by ordinary feelings.
There is conflict between that which is fine and respectable and that which is deemed unworthy. Sexual feelings do arise and they play havoc with this sense of poise.
Some characteristic physical symptoms (extracted from T.F. Allen) show how her mood is quite dependent on her physical complaints ...
- Tormented about her salvation (Lyc., Sulph., Ver.), with ovarian or uterine complaints.
- Disposed to curse, strike, to think obscene things (Anac., Lac. c.); alternates with uterine irritation.
- Listless, yet cannot sit still; restless; must keep busy to repress sexual desire.
- Desire to do something, hurried manner, yet has no ambition; aimless (Arg. n.).
- Headaches and mental ailments depending on uterine irritation or displacements.
- Menstrual irregularities and irritable heart.
No wonder Tiger Lily has a reputation as a wonderful remedy during the menopause, helping the natural expression of sexual feelings and easing many of the concomitant physical symptoms.
T.F. Allen: Encylopedia of Pure Materia Medica
The remedy just affected one part of my brain – more precisely than a laser. So that’s Stage 7 of the Gold Series in a nutshell – Rhenium: ’stress and worry arising from a crisis’.
Just to clarify, Rhenium didn’t make me want to take on the stress to Stage 8 – I don’t want to jump up and join an intensive care crash team. For me the familiar feeling of good old Stage 7 is just fine.
Other Stage 7 remedies
They want others to be strong too, so they combine cooperation with their own feeling of autonomy. An outer crisis where great responsibility is required can knock them into Stage 7 of the Gold Series. If the crisis is related to creativity the Stg 7 remedy from the Silver Series may be required – Technetium.
Once you find a persons ’Home Stage’ (i.e. column of the Periodic TI able) you can help them through the different challenges of life found in the ’rows’ of the P. T.
Stage 7 or the Ferrum series is magnesium (Maganum). The following rubrics show their concerns:
- Anxiety as if something bad is going to happen;
- Dreams of misfortune; Fear of misfortune;
- Cautious; Dreams bad luck
An example from Footy Culture … Roy Hedgehog has landed the job of England Manager. How will he cope? He’s OK as long as popular opinion is behind him … without it he crumbles. So its Stage 7 for Roy.
Compare with Steve Keane (Blackburn Rovers) … the fans wanted him out – but he battled on to the bitter end without showing any signs of collapse … so Stage 8 for Steve?
What about King Kenny? Well, he’s done it all before, accepts victory or defeat with equanimity and good humor. He’s my Stage 10!