Structuralism and the Plant Kingdom

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Frodsham (Chester), Cheshire, United Kingdom
Interests: Philosophy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Buddhism, Psychosynthesis, Hypnotherapy and R.E.B.T.

Saturday, 31 January 2009

The Ferrum Series - Cuprum and Zincum

Fig 1. Ferrum Series: Cu (Stage 11) and Zn (Stage 12).

Keren Horney's classification of neurotic trends (needs) and coping strategies
(towards, away, against) has sufficient resemblance to Scholtens Stages to be worth viewing in apposition to the Ferrum Series.

There is an element of neurotic submissiveness in the group which is almost its trademark! The t
endency to move towards people is expressed as feelings of helplessness (Calc) and a willingness to accept traditional views and conventional opinions (Kalis,Mags) or those of the powerful and influential (Fe to Cu). The submssiveness is a strategy to avoid being hurt.

However, starting from Ferrum (Stage 8) assertiveness and personal power develop and the trend is to move against people. They are always in the right, and this is often expressed as a battle with their parents! Many Furrum clients enjoy martial arts and even dream of War! From Copper on, the trend is to move away from people, and by degrees, to discard them altogether (Ge, Ars, Brom).

The elements on the Ferrum Series seem to be very concerened about work and value. Money and the status it offers are very important to this group. The trend is to accumulate and then to protect .

Cobalt (Stage 9) is all about trying things out and testing for faults. Their worries about any potential snags can blow up into a fear of the police! (Del: he is a criminal, and others know it)

Niccolum is at the peak and can share in the feeling of superiority that is very characteristic of Stage 10. Like a kind policeman (Robocop?) they like to keep the peace. To protect and serve is a noble task. Like Robocop they follow the rules and are therefore very controlled and good at supressing their emotions.

Cuprum is into jobs which have some prestige - selling green vegetables doesnt have much worth in the society he aspires to so he works very hard and is very competetive. Copper (as in coins!) and Zinc are both past thier peak. The decline is shown by some of their fears and delusions. Its a state where they find it difficult to perform their duties - in Cuprum they feel too old, very small and unwanted - anything could happen. The anxiety produces anger. Gerogios says the Cuprum woman dreads the accusation of being a whore.

In Zincum there is a constant feeling of being under attack (Reslessness, anxious. Delusion, persued by the police) which makes them compliant and obedient. The cause is the anxitey of being punished by their strict parents. They are very patient and responsible people and can feel ashamed if they do badly. Later on they start worrying about their Pension and its subsequent performance
and develop tremors when their investments fall.

In the spiritual sphere Cuprum clients can have a sense that they are quite spiritual, but when Cuprum is pushed into Zincum the feeling is that they are falling into the Devils hands. It
arises from their strict superego which produces is an exaggerated guilty sense of being persued.

Arsenicum fears death and despairs of salvation.

Refs, Cu and Zn: Dr. Georgios Loukas

Friday, 30 January 2009

The Homeopathic Observer: The Immortal Jellyfish

Link to original article: "The Immortal Jellyfish: Turritopsis nutricula"

I picked the idea of "a safe environment" in Massimos description of Medusa, another Jelly. He also talks about motion and artistry. They seem to like to be a bit independent - but like a youngster who's happy because mom's not too far away!

This is quite like Aluminium Silicata R3Stg9/10, where there is a sense of being very small, so in Alumina there is the same stage of dependence.

In Silica (stage 10) he has little self-confidence and needs to keep a strong connection to with his parents.

If we combine these themes, as in Alumina Silicata, the state of dependence is such that it has the feeling that if their support is lost they might die.

Homeopathy and the Periodic Table.

 Consider the remedies under the rubric:

MIND - DELUSIONS - superiority, of ...

astat. aur. aur-m. aur-s. bar-br. bar-i. bar-met. bism-sn. caes-met. cinnb. crot-c. germ-met. granit-m. hafn-met. irid-met. Kola lanth-met. merc. merc-d. musca-d. osm-met. Plat. plb. plb-m. plb-p. polon-met. polys. rhen-met. tant-met. thal-met. tung-met.

Notice how many from the list can be mapped onto Row Six, of the periodic table - the Gold Series.
  • Cs: caes-met.
  • Ba: bar-br. bar-i. bar-met.
  • La: lanth-met.
  • Hf: hafn-met.
  • Ta: tant-met.
  • W: tung-met.
  • Re: rhen-met.
  • Os: osm-met.
  • Ir: irid-met.
  • Pt: Plat.
  • Au: aur. aur-m. aur-s.
  • Hg: merc. merc-d.
  • Th: thal-met.
  • Pb: plb. plb-m. plb-p.
  • Bi: bism-sn.
  • Po: polon-met.
  • At: astat.
  • Rn: Radon.

We all try to face the world, to assert ourselves and take on some sort of responsibility. The Gold Series, in Homeopathy is associated with the Brow Chakra, and the Universal Consciousness of the vMeme, which implies maturity, power and influence in the world.

The stages to the left side of the Periodic Table, as everyone knows have an incomplete outer orbital. This can be condisered a deficiency. The elements at the middle stages of the series are relatively stable, and the elements at the extreem right have excessive energy in the outer shell.

This is reflected in the behaviour of the Homeopathic Remedies in this series - they are all into responsibility in some way - afraid of it (Baryata), demanding it (Aurum), abusing it (Merc), or loosing it (Plumbum)!
Interesting to note however, that the same group of people can be found under the rubrics for fear of being murdered (and anthrophobia) . Perhaps those who persue responsibility and power keenly fear its erosion?

In terms of Karen Horney's coping strateges the Gold Series may represent a neurotic striving for power (which can have elements of anxiety and inferiority) ... they need to be right all the time, to be recognised and admired, and ultimately to exploit or control others. The tendency to move against people is stronger than the need to move towards people.

Refs: Synthesis. Homeopathy and the Elements.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Albert Ellis and R.E.B.T.

Introduction - Alfred Korzybski (General Semantics 1933), held that we are limited, misled and often trapped by the limits of our own nervous systems and our linguistic abstractions.

On a similar track, Albert Ellis gave an insight into the way we devalue our self-esteem,
by holding evaluative beliefs which lead to irrational conclusions, which have their root in perfectionism, in maximization of the consequences of our shortcomings, in over-generalisation and in over-personalisation. The effect is the same at any level, damaged self-hood and withdrawal.

Ellis's Rational Emotive Therapy uses a method to logically identify the sequence of mistakes we make in everyday perception that generate these irrational and harmful beliefs. In his ABC method A is an event, B is our belief and C is the consequential behaviour. We can learn to use this method to identify the worst irrational beliefs, at B, that we hold (and continually put ourslves down with). By recognising a belief as irrational we can work towards abandoning it. Realising that there is no cosmic law that gaurantees our success, we accept defeats without exteems such as self-depreciation.

Example: "Awfulising" in the Ferrums: The core Ferrum symptom, "anxiety as after committing a crime", perhaps, for example, an expression of the frustration arising from breaking the rules, even in a minor way, would be seen as an example of the consequences of the irrational belief that that things absoultely must be the way they should be, or life will be Awful. This attitude leads to low-frustration tolerance, self pity and anger.

But life does not always work out nicely. The solution is to moderate our grasping demands on life by replacing must with a more reasonable prefer. I would prefer not to do such-and-such, but if it comes down to it, I can still manage if I have to.

This kind of mental retraining is not a quick-fix, but, by the same token is Homeopathy? It seems that Homeopathy gives us the positive energy needed to bring awareness towards the core of the problem, and give a fresh start, but without recognising our self-defeating mental habits how long can the "cure" stick beyond the proximal remedy reaction? Do we need to make a conscious determination to change our mental habits?

This is also the way of Buddhas teachings - Dharma. Indeed, Ellis was a friend of the Dalai Lama. We could say that Ellis taught a form of Buddhadharma that demands no commitments or vows - other than that you try to recognise and test your own hidden agenda and harmful beliefs.

Graves originally described several levels, or Memes, which tie in with Jean Gebser's concept of phase transitions, or mutations, in the development of conciousness, from archaic and supersticious structures to excessivley rational structures, and ulimatly towards a spiral-like integral structure which encompasses all the previous structures.
Ref: Jean Gebser

Note: The term "integral" originates from Sri Aurobino's book "The Mother", a manual of integral yoga, and also from his evolutionary philosophy which evolved out of the Samkya tradition. For a discussion on the relative merits of the main Buddhist schools see "Ocean of Nectar", by Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche (proponent of Nagarjunas' Madhymika Prasingika School).

The image below, with kind permission from Formless Mountain illustrates the meme concept.

Memetics, REBT and Homeopathy?

Each of these stages is a meme. Each new stage of biological and spiritual development involves a transition, forcing the abandonment of our identification with our existing view of self, and the irrational beliefs that support that view, and developing and subsequently identifying with, a new view of self based on more carefully considered beliefs.

Typically, after this transition we look down upon our previous self as immature (and in the school playground we cruelly identify other people who are still in that prior stage as immature).

Ken Wilber suggests that trauma during transition can result in fragmented, Jungian, shadow-selves, that remain unresolved as we move on through life, and suggests specific therapies for each level, e.g. Gestalt Therapy for transition blocked at level 2 - Purple to Red.

Jan Scholten's periodic study of remedies suggests that there are remedies fairly specific to each level. These vertical levels correspond to the Periods (i.e. across the rows) in the Homeopathic model. The columns of the Periodic Table correspond to a horizontal developmentmental series of social attainments within each "Memetic" Period.

There is also a parrallel to be drawn between the work of Rajan Sankaran in locating the Central Delusion, and the assesment of Evaluative Beliefs by Albert Ellis. A method combining these approaches deserves further research.

Albert Ellis left this world on July 24, 2007.

The SIFT Model of Cognition

The SIFT Model

Changing Minds by David Straker

'We understand and respond to the world through complex cognitive processes. The SIFT model is a simplification of the inner workings of the mind that helps explain how we perform this amazing feat.'

Changing - SIFT-3M model.

Milk Remedies - Lac Humanum (Mothers Milk)

Periodic representation of Lac-h
Milk Remedies - The Lacs - Themes
Themes shared by the Lacs.

Milk, mothering, warm, family, suckling, fulfilled and satisfied.
Emptiness, worthless, shame, forsaken.

Childlike e.g .blushing, embarrassment, timid, poor confidence, thumb
sucking, sensitive to reprimand, clinging.

History of cases often reveals poor bonding or feelings of lack of love from
parent. Orphans, history of adoption, wanting to leave home early, not
feeling part of family. Post-natal depression.

Smoking and addiction generally can be an attempt to fill the emptiness
within, as can eating to excess at a sittingMilk Remedies - The Lacs - Rubrics

Altered Thinking - Exaggeration - Delusion.INTROSPECTION. ANTAGONISM with herself. CONTRADICTION of will
DELUSIONS - friend - unwanted by friends; friendless, he is; worthless; he is
DELUSIONS - neglected - he or she is neglected
SUCCEDS - never. DREAMS - ACCUSATIONS - crime, wrongful of.
DREAMS - DANGER - family of. DEATH - relatives; of. HELPING. FALLING.

COMPANY - aversion to - desire for solitude
COMPANY - desire for - amel. in company
IRRITABILITY - wishes to be alone
DETACHED - ego; from. SPACED-OUT feeling. DREAM; as if in a

Altered Behaviour - Compulsions - Avoidance or Compenstation.CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence. FEAR - failure, of. FASTIDIOUS
REVERENCE for those around him - teacher; towards his

THOUGHTS - disconnected
MEMORY - weakness of memory. MISTAKES; making; calculating; reading; time;

Bald Eagle and Peregrine Falcon (syphilitic miasm).

Bird Themes

According to Shore the bird mind "organises itself around concepts which allow a dynamic shifting of emphasis". It a state of mind where the significance of events or feelings can easily change. She changes her opinion every moment, so you'll never get the same answer twice. It doen't imply that she is irresolute - her current 'fad' is the only one that has any real validity. Like some of the drug remedies she lives in the NOW!

Contrast this with the people who understand a subject and then form an opinion that can never be changed, even if you can show their reasons are faulty (very sycotic traits). You wouldn't want to get into an argument with these guys … esp, the Ferrum Series - Traffic Wardens, Security Guards and so on. They are minerals so their ideas are compartmentalised and structured.

The birds, especially eagles can be very impartial, just witnessing, without emotional prejudice. it's a kind of emotional detachment that allows the truth to be seen. When you start feeding birds in the garden they soon come to expect a morsel. They know - there's a kind of empathy, but there's no emotion like the unprejudiced observer, as in Stage 16 (e.g. Ytterbium) and Stage 17 (e.g. Lutetuim). This knowing has been linked with a the autonomous spirituality of the Lanthanide series as a whole. Like the Lanths, they are free spirits.

A closer look at the rubric: "DELUSIONS - separated - world; from the - he is", shows this feeling is common to the predators: Androc (scorpion) bit-ar (puff adder) heliac-lc (eagle) lac-del (dolphin) loxo-recl (recluse spider).

Falco-pe is "detatched yet in the present" - this also gives the impression of watching.

This is well observed in the Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus). The main idea is that Owl is a wise old soul who loves to teach. The Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) has an interesting clairvoyant aspect. They have an inner psychic world - a beautiful retreat - and sometimes use Cannabis to enhance their experience.

Assessment of Bald Eagle (Haliae-lc) Sx. Stage 15.

They migrate along routes which have good thermals of updrafts. They are often thought of as spiritual messengers from the upper world. This was described as a crack in the universe or the soul.

Provers experienced freedom and also a dread of being trapped by the mundane, which was frequently expressed in dreams of rising above difficulties. DD Merc - who can be discriminative and pragmatic one moment and detached and intuitive the next (the messenger). It is all used for personal power .

This eagle had been caged and hooded. Provers experienced extreme emotions - elation and despair and low self-esteem. They made quick decisions and related to others very directly. There were also aimless and ungrounded sensations. There is irritability from the least disturbance and the anger is intense. They blame others and feel that they are always right.

Eagles are very private. It was well prescribed for a sensitive girl who felt human nature was very selfish, she was especially sensitive to gossip and criticism. She wanted to be a pilot so she could fly above the world.

1 Altered Thinking

DELUSIONS - laughed at and mocked at; being; insulted is.

DELUSIONS - separated - world; from the - he is separated. Confusion - identity.

DELUSIONS - looking - down; he were looking; Flying. Floating - air in.

DELUSIONS - crack in his soul, or in the universe.

BEING in the present; feeling of

2 Altered Feelings




ANSWERING - aversion to answer.; family to.

ABRUPT. ANGER - misunderstood, w

3 Altered Behaviour




DREAMS - MAPS - old. ESCAPE - attempts to.

Tame Falcon (Falco-p). Stage 17.

They are adapted for speed and agility and can dive on their prey at 200mph (inlet cones in the nostrils guide the shock waves). They have been used by European falconers since AD 400. Provers found Issues of Pride; humiliation and domination cause deep problems.

Misha Norland was led towards the proving of this remedy by a case of sustained sexual abuse ... "The relationship between falconer and falcon suggests a perverted bond of persecutor and victim". In general, the remedy is useful where the client feels constrained or dominated.

1 Altered Thinking

DELUSIONS - - Worthless. abused, being. Betrayed. Body looks ugly..

DELUSIONS - Separated from the world. divison between self and others. He is friendless. Repuudiated. Persecuted.

DELUSIONS - Space - expansion of. Timeless.

DELUSIONS - He is transparent. Made of glass.

DELUSOIN - the world is disintigrating.

Spirals - awe. Desires speed. Loves nature.

Thoughts move in circles. Inability for logical thinking.

2 Altered Feelings

Discontented. Discouraged. Disgust.Loaths self.

Ecstasy. Elated. Feeling of ease. As if in a dream.

Estranged from self/wife/family/society.

Hatred. Anger - cold and detatched.

Injustice - cannot support.

Insecurity. Jesting. Playful. Naive.

3 Altered Behaviour

FASTIDIOUS (or untidy)

.Determination. Wants to fight. Fearless. Heedless.

Indifference to dictates of conscience. Unsympathetic.

Aversion to duty. Escapes.

Weeping - feels forsaken.

Loss of will power. Reproaches self.

Refs: Haliaec: Jeremy Sherr Falco: Misha Norland

Equisetum (Horsetail)

About Equisetum (Equis)

Horsetails, ferns and club mosses are the oldest plant families on earth. Some of these plants were giants. Lycopodium and Equisetum survived by becoming smaller. Horsetails flourish in damp soils, their roots form a network which can cover your whole plot - its impossible to get rid! This affinity for dampness is mirrored in their use in Herbal medicine and Homeopathy for bedwetting.

The stems contain so much Silica that they were sold as "Dutch Rushes" for polishing metal. Silica-like remedies are known for their action in cases showing weakness and lack of self-confidence. They feel unsupported. As a result of this they find it hard to trust anyone. They can easily feel like victims so they compensate for this by trying to stay on top. They find postions where they can exert some control, e.g. as carers, and can become quite dominating and proud.

This picture has emerged more from Massimo's cases than from the old Provings, so the rubrics are a bit thin.

Equisetum Rubrics

1 Altered Thinking

Confidence - want of.

Dreams - people - crowds of (feeling smaller).

2 Altered Feelings

Delusions - falling he is (as if losing his position of security)

Restlessness. Irritability. Fastidious.

3 Altered Behaviour

Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatic, despotic.

Frowning. Scowl, inclination to.

4 Altered Sx

Bladders, urging (frequent); retention; bedwetting; pain;

Back pain

Weakness. Vertigo

Lac Equinum - milk from a horse

Lac Equinum

Horses have been used and abused by mankind for millennia. They love to please but without reward they feel, desperate, irritable, and finally exhausted or apathetic.

As herd animals, confined to an enclosure they can become quite territorial. They love to run wild, so enclosures aggravate their irritability and boredom. Being forced to race can cause exhaustion, frustration and fear - in the wild they race when they are in danger.

1 Altered Thinking

Delusions, everything will fail; everything is hard; hindered. Sinking.

Has neglected her duty.

2 Altered Feelings

Ambition. Competitive. Assertive.

Anxiety. Indignation. Sadness. Apathy. Despair.

Cannot support injustice.

3 Altered Behaviour

Complaining. Sighing. Obstinate.



Desires to travel.


I used the Lac-eq themes to build a therapeutic mataphore (i.e. in hypnosis) for a friend who loves horses, a common experience, but she'd also looked after he mum for a long time and feels she could'v done more ...

"A horse is a wonderful creature, she is tall and strong and carries so many burdens on her broad back, on her broad shoulders.

She never complains but she feels so much more lighter without those burdens.

Horses seem resigned to their fate, but I’m sure you now they would rather roam free over the hillsides without a care. That’s their original state. So free. So happy.

Wonderfully relaxed, comfortable and without a care in the world".

She loved the metaphor and really did relax during the session.

As a Homeopath the use of Animal/Plant/Mineral metaphors should come naturally! We know so much about these substances from the Proving Data…

“A major theme in Lac Equinum (mares milk) is a feeling of having one’s wild spirit or nature beaten out - of being tamed into submission. This was expressed in the proving as the frustration resulting from a large, wild animal having been subjugated, domesticated, selectively bred, and, too often, mistreated by humans. Think for a moment of the battles in which horses were sacrificed, of rodeos and racetracks, slaughter houses, and overburdened pack horses”. (Herrick, 1999)

Five Areas (CBT) remedy model.

C.B.T. based model of Homeopathic Interpretation and Intervention.

CBT can be very effective in changing unhelpful thinking, right in the here and now, but sometimes more help is needed. One possibility is to support the CBT process with the energy of a well indicated Homeopathic remedy, especially if there is emotional trauma. For more info go to: RC PSYCH - C.B.T. 5-Areas Assessment. Link: What's the 5-Areas approach?

Aaron Becks Congnitive Perspective

A response to any difficult situation is filtered by our cognitive schemas which initiate the appropriate mode, which may be stimultive or depressive. Each mode has its own characteristic pattern of arousal, physiology and performance. When the threat is over a new mode takes over, switching off the hypervalent mode. If the hypervalent mode is not switched off the anxiety mode becomes chronic.

The model can be applied to the Loganacieae family ...

The Idea of Cycles is not unprecedented in Homeopathy - see Paul Herscu's work on Cycles and Segments.

Combine the C.B.T. behavioural model with that of N.L.P.

  • Situation

    • Our experience modality, e.g. Visual.
    • Ailments-from in H'pathy
  • Altered Thinking

    • Filters
      • Deletions
      • Distortions
      • Generalisations
      • Delusions in H'pathy
  • Altered Feelings

    • States
    • Supercharged Images and Memories
    • Sensitivities and Sensations in H'pathy
  • Altered Behaviour

    • Unhelpful beliefs and attitudes
    • Meta-programs (reject or accept filters)
    • Decisions
    • De-compensated behaviour or Dreams in H'pathy

Clearly, NLP and CBT have specific interventions which are outside the scope of the Homeopathic Interview, but the conceptual frameworks seem to pervade and can be used together.


Philosophy - Potency, pathology and energy

Potency can seem to be a vexed question to beginners. When Jeremy Sherr started out he used 30c to get a feel for what that potency could actually accomplish. He says: "I was surprised how potent the 30c is and how long it lasts". He has conducted provings with different potencies to document the different dynamics. He says that "the notion that high potencies affect the mentals and low,potencies affect the physicals, is inaccurate".  

There is tremendous variation, so I would add: inaccurate ... 'but not completely mistaken'. One of the most important factors is the sensitivity of the patient.  Normally, high potencies usually do affect the mentals.  Low potencies do affect our mood too - but not quite as profoundly as higher potencies.

Mike Bridger says, "The clearer the indication for the remedy the higher I'm prepared to go". Nowadays we think of a high potency as aggressive and dangerous, but this is a fallacy because the outcome depends entirely on the patient, and the potential for aggravation depends on the physical pathology. The interval between repeats is determined by the disease process itself. If a given potency is working stick to it. When the process reaches a plateau a new potency may be indicated because the action at that potency is exhausted. The idea of giving a series of ascending potencies in a row has the disadvantage that you would not be able to tell which was the most effective one in the series. You wouldn't know how to follow it up.The remedy reaction is really the result of the pathology, vitality and sensitivity of the patient. The dynamic of the remedy must therefore match the dynamic of the disease (Aphorism 16). This means a relatively healthy person who is very dynamic will need a dynamic potency.

It was Sherr who invented the MOPMEC scale to try to quantify the patients dynamic state, in order to match the energy of the remedy to the patient. It is an index comprised of Modalities, Obstacles, Pathology, Mentals, Energy, and Creativity.

Lets consider an example case (score of 10 is healthy)

Modalities ... he is easily startled, lots of fears............ 6
Obstacles .... many (foster parents, abandonment).... 4
Pathology .... no deep organic pathology....................... 8
Mentals ........ pretty severe............................................ 2
Energy ......... very high, but hyper................................ 4
Creativiy ...... pretty dysfunctional................................. 2
Average: 26/6= 4.3.

Where the average is low (here 4.3) a lower potency is given. In another example the Px scored 10 (no pathology) on most points, but had suffered deep grief and susequent loss of motivation. The MOPMEC score worked out to 46/6 - about 7.6; 10M worked wonders.

Does this model hold true in practice? The six parameters are all quite subjective so some practitioners might only emphasise the average of 4 or 5 of these parameters, or even add their own, so there could be some variation, but Sherrs model remains a reasonable starting point. Francis Treuherz noted that patiens with vivid psychotic episodes might have a high MOPMEC average but are still very ill, so a lower potency would be considered, (e.g. 200c). Another exception might be when there is a deep suffering that has been going on for a long time, a higher potency might reach father back in time and also speed up recovery, which can be slower if lower potencies are used.

In chronic illness, where a client may be sensitive or have weaker vitality, a gentler alternative is to give LM potencies. In some cases patients can monitor their own aggravation on a daily basis and have a break if they are too uncomfortable. The same logic, "stop if there is a reaction" can be applied to lower centesimal potencies, e.g. a 30c that has been prescribed once daily for a week.

My own view is that 1M is quite a blunt instrument - its effects are quite global. 10M's and 50M's are like key-hole surgery - you can target a tiny area and make specific changes.


Energy in Homeopathy:

A remedy with a potency of 50M is a dilution equivalent to one drop of mother tincture in all the oceans of the world. This is the point where a large number of people stop and claim that any effect can only be that of a "placebo". The only way round that obstruction is to actually try it and see!

If it works, it raises an interesting series of questions about the nature of awareness. How could an infinitesimal, quantum of energy affect our mind? It would seem to imply that the nature of awarness is closely connected to that quantum level. A further implication is that it is possible that awareness is a manifestation of quanutm energy fields. This appears to be born out by the "Big Mind" experience of Genpo Roshi, by the field of pure "Being" in the Gita, and by the Mahamudra experience of Ken Wilber. There is a similarity in all these states, which can be compared to Homeopathic Hydrogen:
  • Delusion, everything is pure energy
  • Delusion, things look beautiful
  • Benevolence
  • He is in the presence of God

Mere speculation? Maybe so, but Albert Einstein said, "The only real valuable thing is intuition." He also said, "Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love"!