These are descriptions of the inner voices of Kali-C. The layout is the same as in the article on Thuja and in Genpo's Buddhist voices, using the same Lanthanide qualities (Autonomy, Power, etc), so you can easily compare the way in which each line of spiritual aspiration is affected - In this case seriously. Kali-C is in the Ferrum Series - their concerns are centered around protection and security. The Carbonicum element adds concerns about the sense of self-worth.
The Autonomous Self
- The Integrated Self - I'm not really very aware of anything besides family, work and rules.
- Big Mind - I'm quite coventional. You could say I'm a bit of a square. I wouldn't consult a Homeopath!
- Big Heart - I'm very possessive about my family and my position at work. I'm very loyal.
- The Protector - My job is to protect the Self from harm. I do this by being conservative, a regular guy! I am a conformist.
- The Master - I'm the one who's really the boss, the purified beaurocrat! I make sure I do what has to be done. I'm timid but I can be quite censorious and dictatorial.
- The Controller - My job is to control. I'm industrious and I have a strong sense of duty. I work hard to show my worth. My mind rules my emotions. I'm really afraid of loosing mental control.
- The Seeker - I'm Eros and I'm here to satisfy desire, I'm ambitious and I don't have much emotional contact so that everything can be kept under control.
- The Mind that seeks the Way - I'm Ethos. I'm seeking too, but its the truth I seek. I want peace and joy, which I find at home and in my sense of security. This is the source of my values.
- The Vunerable Child - I'm vunerable and without protection, but I'm Pathos, I should be curious and free but I'm moody and unassertive. I can be quarrelsome but I don't want to be left alone. I'm jumpy. I feel like I'm sinking, and I keep dreaming of drowning.
- The Voice of the Dualistic Mind - I'm the analyist. The Logos. I see things in terms of cost and gain, good and evil, attraction and repusion. I experience antagonism with myself because I'm very dogmatic. I'm the ultimate rationalist.
- The Damaged Self - I'm working to absorb and suppress all the anxiety and damage. I keep imagining that things will go wrong. Poverty is the worst thing I can imagine.
- The Skeptic - My job is to be skeptical of everything. I'm here to make sure she won't get fooled again! I'm the greatest skeptic! I worry about work. I don't think I'm valued really, but I must survive. It seems like I'm standing on the edge of an abyss.

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