In the Kali Compounds there is an interplay between both the elements, which causes deep conflict. This conflict is at the center of the case.

Down Column 17 the Muriaticums, Bromatums and Iodatums want deeper and deeper relationships. The sense of being alone and being in danger increases.
Chlorums are restless and hyperactive. They can have nymphomainia but can also have an aversion to sex - they have a desire to escape.
Bromatums have a terrible sense of shame, they can't bear to be looked at, which may because they imagine that they are persecuted by phantoms or strangers. They can dream of quarrels and fights. There is sexualtity but it tends to be supressed because they become indifferent to things - at home and at work.
The lonliness of Iodine is the most extreme. Like the Bromatums they dream of the dead. They are haunted people. This depth of fear could be expressed as P.T.S.D. - but they are also very susceptible to checking and related compulsive disorders...
* Thoughts; persistant; terrible.
Iodatums have sexual desires (Nymphomania - like the Flouratums) but they would rather be left alone. Love cannot touch them ...
* Anxiety;company - shuns, even his doctor.
* Family: Aversion to.
* Fear touch, of.
Taken as a whole, Column 17 fits a range DSM criteria for a diagnosis of disorders such as Paranoid or Schizoid (Cluster A) or Antisocial Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder (Cluster B), .
1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment.
2. Unstable and intense interpersonal relationships with extreems of idealization and devaluation.
3. Identity disturbance - an unstable self-image or sense of self.
4. Self damaging impulses such as spending, sex, substance abuse etc.
5. Chronic feelings of emptiness.
6. Inappropraite intense anger.
7. Paranoid ideation under stress, even going as far as dissociation.
The severity of problems of the Carbon Series and Silica Series in Stages 14-17, such as a feeling of separation, increases along the row moving towards Stage 18 (some autistic conditions), so in this scheme absolute and utter isolation would be at R7Stg18.

The Silica Series (Row 3) focuses on asserting individulaity and identity.
This is connected to the progression from Home, to Friends and to Lovers.
When prescribing giving s'one Arsenicum, then later on give a Lanth', e.g. Cerium, has a different dynamic than giving the combination Cerium-Ars.
Why? Because when compounds are formed new properties arise, water is not simply a "mixture" of Hydrogen and Oxygen. On the same principle, if both elements seem to be indicated, we can assume the Arsenicum issues must be dynamically interacting with the Cerium issues to create a complex combination.
If you give the Arsenicum first you might get some good results but you still havn't untangled the complex Gordian Knot. The situation can be visualised as retreating into the protection of a familiar cocoon. In Cerium (Stage 4) this is quite likely to be a spiritual practice. The Ars. influence is the decling of abilities and subsequent loss of confidence, esp. with external changes and situations i.e. at work.
This is fab! Please keep up the great work - The visuals really helps me with my poor memory.
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