Dr. Scholtens latest book introduces us to the use of the Lanthanides and their salts in Homeopathy. He identifies autonomy, shadow, power and rarity as the major themes in these remedies. These are all major themes of indepenence. The Stages (across the periods) of the Lanthanides are a metaphore for the stepping stones on the path to spiritual development, which he illustrates using the esoteric teachings on the Labours of Heracles.
Dr Scholten describes some Lanthanide qualities at www.minimum.com ...
- desire to be in control of oneself
- desire to understand people
- desire to understand oneself
- desire to go into the inner world, the psychic world
- aversion to doctors
- feeling of being strange, not understood
- aversion to smalltalk
- desire to follow their own path
- desire to lead their own life

The real significance of Jan's work on the Lanthanides is that we now have the homeopathic keys to the development of the "Integral Self". The radioactive actinide series, also rare earths, share many Lanthanide properies and themes. They may eventually give insight into the highest states of the "Holistic Self".
Lanthanide cases in the International Homeopathic Internet Journal:

Stage 4: Cerium
Stage 6: Neodynium
Stage 8: Samarium
Stage 11: Terbium
Stage 12: Dysprosium
Stage 13: Holmium
Stage 15: Thulium
See also:
Formless Mountain; The stage structures of development.
Homeopathic Elemements Weblog; Elements.
For an interesting discussion on how we have embraced and rejected freedom and autonomy in the recent past, see this short article on the book "Escape from Freedom" by Erich Fromm.
A quote from integrallife.com (Ken Wilber)
ReplyDelete"If the healthy masculine principle tends toward autonomy, strength, independence, and freedom, when that principle becomes unhealthy or pathological, all of those positive virtues either over- or underfire. There is not just autonomy, but alienation; not just strength, but domination; not just independence, but morbid fear of relationship and commitment; not just a drive toward freedom, but a drive to destroy".
Ken Wilber again:
ReplyDelete"If the healthy feminine principle tends toward flowing, relationship, care, and compassion, the unhealthy feminine flounders in each of those. Instead of being in relationship, she becomes lost in relationship. Instead of a healthy self in communion with others, she loses her self altogether and is dominated by the relationships she is in".