Structuralism and the Plant Kingdom

- Steph Nile
- Frodsham (Chester), Cheshire, United Kingdom
- Interests: Philosophy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Buddhism, Psychosynthesis, Hypnotherapy and R.E.B.T.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Keynotes on the Stage 5 Remedies.
Dr. Scholten describes Stage 5 as “Preparation”. The project is just starting. It looks huge. You have the planning permission, the techniques but no previous experience or structure. Its very easy to get discouraged, and postpone things - if you do you get stuck in Stage 5!
The sphere of doubt in the Ferrum Series is at work, in the Silver Series it is in creativity, in the Lanthanides it is in the outer expression of our inner power, in the Gold Series is in absolute outer power and in the Uranium Series is in intuition and wisdom.
- The Stage 5 remedy of the Ferrum Series is Vanadium. All the Ferrums want to protect themselves but they are usually obliged to put up with “the rules of the game”, so their own feelings get suppressed, and they can feel guilty if their performance is sub-standard.
In Vanadium the feeling is of doubt. They want success but feel that they might not be able to complete the project. They are tortured by their fear of failure. The result is that they become indecisive. They can loose sight of their goals and start to worry about little things.
* Ailments from domination - history of excessive parental control.
* Confidence - want of self-confidence.
* Fear, failure of.
* Irresolution.
* Yielding disposition.
- The Stage 5 remedy of the Silver Series is Niobium. In this series the focus is on performance and perfection. They are creatively inspired and want to be special.
In Niobium they doubt their creativity. They feel their ideas are special and want to strike out on their own. They set their goals high, but then the projects seems unrealistic. They are easily slighted and hurt. Their creation will never be perfect and the whole thing becomes a burden. They can get stuck on the preparations. They don't know if they can do it or not and become apathetic. They would love attention and admiration but they fear that they are not good enough.
* Fear - failure of - examinations, in.
* Dreams - mistakes, of making.
* Hurry.
* Haughty.
- The Stage 5 remedy of the Lanthanides is Praesodymium. The focus of the Lanthanides is on self-control and inner strength. Their efforts are directed toward achieving and expressing strength of mind.
In Praesodymium they doubt that they can prove their autonomy. They are very cautious because their plans are easily flattened - pushing themselves forward feels dangerous. They are afraid to say what they feel to some degree (not as much as Lanthanum or Cerium). Their realisations are a bit naive but still quite genuine.
In Praesodymium there is an urge to really start to confront the shadow and accomplish self-control.
* Hesitating to be autonomous.
* Hesitating to learn self-control.
* Hesitating to delve into the shadow.
- The Stage 5 remedy of the Gold Series is Tantalum. The focus of the Gold Series is responsibility. They use their power to rule – for better or for worse.
In Tantalum they doubt that they can be a leader. They have a strong desire to reach the top but their plans are not very well defined and their expectations are unrealistic. They don't really know how to put their plans into practice and spend ages on the details. They need a lot of encouragement or they will hesitate. If they become too arrogant someone will slap them down.
* Delusions, superiority of.
* Haughty.
* Intolerant of contradiction.
* Fear falling of.
* Dreams - poisoned, being. Failures.
Reflection: Once you get the context of rubrics thier meanings become clearer.
For example, what could "Dreams of being poisoned" signify in stage 5?
In the Gold Series its a feeling that someone's going to obstruct your rise to power.
In the Lanthanide Series its a feeling that other peoples ideas "poison" or damage your beliefs.
In the Silver Series its a feeling that other people poison or obstruct your creative ideas.
In the Ferrums petty people and rules interfere with your work.
Conclusion: Being poisoned, damaged, or obstructed becomes a common theme within the context of stage 5. In Stage 6 one starts to overcome these obstructions, in Stage 8 we force our way through them and by Stage 9 they are merely irritating.
Biblio: The Minerals, Elements and Lanthanides books by Dr. Scholten.
Monday, 7 December 2009
The Struggle of Stage 8 Remedies (Cancer miasm?)
It's nearing completion. You already have the planning permission, the techniques, the experience and the structure. You just have have to overcome the inertia of any remaining challenges - and you need to exert a lot of power to keep to your deadlines. The alternative is to keep refining and adding bits to please others - it'll never be finished ... stuck in Stage 8!
Each series (row) of the Periodic Table has its own sphere of expression. The sphere of the Ferrum Series is at work, the Silver Series is in creativity, the Lanthanide Series is in inner power the Gold Series is in outer power and the Uranium Series is in intuition and wisdom.
- The Stage 8 remedy of the Ferrum Series is Ferrum. All the Ferrums want to protect themselves but they are usually obliged to put up with "the rules of the game", so their own feelings get suppressed, and they can feel guilty if their performance is sub-standard.
In Ferrum the feeling is that someone is out to take their place. This means they have to struggle to protect their rights. The result is that they can't tolerate intrusion or contradiction, the pressure is on, so they compensate by becoming very stubborn, hard and resolute. They want to overcome any interference.
- The Stage 8 remedy of the Silver Series is Ruthenium. In this series the focus is on performance and perfection. They are creatively inspired and want to be special.
In Ruthenium the struggle is to force their creativity to the fore. Their creation has to be accepted. They are enthusiastic and proud of their work and are annoyed by interference. Opposition is experienced as an extra pressure.
- The Stage 8 remedy of the Lanthanides is Samarium. The focus of the Lanthanides is on self-control and inner strength. Their efforts are directed toward achieving strength of mind.
In Samarium the struggle is to prove their autonomy. They use their inspiration and inner power to create a new model of Spiritual Freedom. Its not perfect yet so they work on their own to consolidate their approach - the experts and the critics seem to be way behind them. They want neither help nor interference.
- The Stage 8 remedy of the Gold Series is Osmium. The focus of the Gold Series is responsibility. They use their power to rule - for better or for worse.
In Osmium the struggle is to consolidate their leadership. They are resolute and can be relentless. Their strategy is the only way forward and opposition has to be completely crushed for the benefit of all.
- The Stage 8 remedy of the Uranium Series is Plutonium. The focus of this series is on intention and intuition. In Plutonium the challenge must be to perfect their accomplishments and powers. The opposition must be within - distraction ... the tendency of the mind to wonder off on irrelevant matters.
Reflection: The "struggle and pressure" of Stage 8 sound a bit like Carcinosin, or at least the beginnings of the Cancer Miasm:
Dr. Sankaran, "Stretching over the limit to keep things in control".
Biblio: The Minerals, Elements and Lanthandies books by Dr. Scholten.
Stage 8 is represented is the homeopathic literature by the Myth of Sysiphus.
A Buddhist teacher defined stress as "the gap between what we want and what we actually get".
The more we grasp on to what we want, the more we expect the world to be the way we would like it to be, the bigger and heavier the boulder grows.
The moment we let go and accept the world as imperfect the delusion of the heavy boulder and the steep slope vanishes into emptiness.
There is no real happiness in Samsara. Happiness comes from a peaceful mind.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Sycosis (exaggeration and cover-up) in the Stage 6 Remedies.
Each series (row) of the Periodic Table has its own sphere of expression. The sphere of the Ferrum Series is at work, the Silver Series is in creativity, the Lanthanide Series is in inner power the Gold Series is in outer power and the Uranium Series is in intuition and wisdom.
- The Stage 6 remedy of the Ferrum Series is Chromium. All the Ferrums are forceful but they are usually obliged to put up with "the rules of the game", so their own feelings get suppressed, and they can feel guilty if their performance is sub-standard.
In Chromium the feeling is that making a mistake means getting hurt. This means the challenge is in keeping up appearances. The result is that they can become rather closed and private people, hence the idea of "cover up" - a trait common to the Sycotic Remedies.
I cant help comparing Lycopodium to Chromium. Lyc. has doubts about taking on responsibility and projects a very self-assured, perhaps even slightly arrogant, image to society at large. Like Chromium, Lyc likes to be in control, and is wary of anything that could lessen his grip on things. Like all the Stage 6 remedies Lyc feels he has something to prove and will force himself to overcome his doubts and fears. Things usually go well when he does so. Likewise, Chromium feels fully committed to his plans. In an argument Lyc. feels he is always right and will evade the issue if he feels cornered. The issue is one of embarrasment - which chromium shares. Both are trying to keep up appearances.
- The Stage 6 remedy of the Silver Series is Molybdenum. In this series the focus is on performance and perfection. They are creatively inspired and want to be special.
In Molybdenum the challenge is to prove that their creativity is viable. The secret creation has to be exhibited. They are proud of their work but fear humiliation.
- The Stage 6 remedy of the Lanthanides is Neodymium. The focus of the Lanthanides is on self-control and inner strength. Their efforts are directed toward achieving strength of mind.
In Neodymium the challenge is to prove their autonomy. They are not quite there, so to accomplish this they become closed and try to be hard . Its like putting up a wall to protect themselves from any doubt about their independence and their self-control.
- The Stage 6 remedy of the Gold Series is Tungsten. The focus of the Gold Series is responsibility. They use their power to rule - for better or for worse.
In Tungsten the challenge is to prove that they can be a leader. They can be forceful and arrogant, but again they are keen to hide any uncertainty.
Below is one provers journey on Tungsten. It could equally be interpreted it as a transition from Stage 5 to Stage 6, or as a transiton of the failed Tungsten state to its cured, positive state.
Tungsten Proving
#87::Day1: Confident. Feel less intimidated.
#87::Day4: Shouted back at boyfriend.
#87::Day6: Feels as if heart is opening. Not as forsaken from family.
#87::Day9: Feel happy and intigrated.
#87::Day13: Confronted a stranger.
#87::Day 16: Enjoyed socialising.
The rubrics we have on Tungsten trace a similar story to the proving, although the failed state is quite dark and they feel out of it, indifferent, and even unreal. The cured state is "right up for it" ... The situation could be one of redundancy (a maintaining cause) that suddenly rights itself when a new career opportunity presents itself.
The Tungsten failed State:
Serious. Sadness. Death thoughts of.
Company - aversion to.
Delusions - alone, being.
Doubtful. Delusions, fail, everything will.
Fears people, being murdered, falling.
Time passes too slowly.
Positive Tungsten
Exhilaration. Optimistic.
Ideas, abundant.
Occupation - amel.
Haughty, best clothes, likes to wear his.
Fearless - danger, in spite of.
- The Stage 6 remedy of the Uranium Series is Uranium. The focus of this series is on intention and intuition. In Uranium the challenge is to demonstrate their powers. My guess is that they can be quite excited about their powers of intuition., but they are still developing so they can be nervous about showing off - which only invalidates their accomplishments anyway.
Perhaps the biggest challenge of Stage 6 in the Uranium Series could be found in the challenge of taking up the Buddhist Practice of Bodichitta.
"Yes, I will extend my comfort zone, and practice generosity and loving kindness in a world where everyone has their own expert opinon, without any expectation of the slightest recognition".
"Just as the great elements of earth, water and so forth support the life of sentient beings, so may I too become the foundation of sustenance for all".
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Relationships between the Scrophulaceae and the Ferrum Series
In the mental sphere the patient is sad and depressed...
- Ailments, from debauchery; from grief. Lascivious, (lustful).
- Dipsomania, alcoholism.
- Despair. Anxiety. Cares. Conscientious +/- Anger, trifles, at.
- Delusions, light, incorporeal, he is (light=>floating).
- Reproaching himself. Delusions, wrong, he has done.
- Suspicious. Company, aversion to. Fear, people of. Escapes.
- Anguish, cardiac. Fear, suffocation, of, heart disease, in.
- Heat flushes climacteric. Heat flushes sexual excess after.
Sensations: Stitching. Miasm: Sycotic.
DD: Stage... Suspicious => S12-S15; Outcast => S16-S17
DD: Series... Done wrong => Ferrums
DD: Elem..... People, aversion => Cupr; Persued => Zinc
DD: Salt...... Lascivious => Carbs Nitricum Flour ;
Comparitive Extraction:
Delusions - light, incorporeal, he is: Dig Zinc Plut-n.
Delusions - conscience; anxiety: DIG Zinc.
Death - presentiment of: Dig Zinc. Zinc-p.
Nymphomania - ORIG Dig GRAT Zinc Zinc-p
Sensation: Dig: Acute: Sudden Break of Connection.
Dis-connection (and holding-on) increases in Stages 12-15: i.e. Zn Ga Ge Ars. Could ALL the Scrophulaceae, from Rajan's acute to leprotic states, are grouped around ONE Stage? Lets look for a pattern by considering Gratiola.
Image: Haughty. Loquacious. Hates contradiction and will contradict you! Gratiola's haughtiness is actually a reaction to the humiliation caused by pride of others.
- Loquacity, cheerful, exuberant.
- Nymphomania. Sexual desire-excessive.
- Anger, contradiction, from. Anger, violent.
- Loathing life. Aversion. Mistanthropy
DD: Stage... Outcast => S16-S17
DD: Series... Hides inefficiency => Ferrums
DD: Elem..... Contradicts => Germanium
DD: Salt...... Lascivious => Flouratum;
Comparitive Extraction:
Misanthropy : Grat Germ
Quarrelsome: Grat Dig Zinc Germ
Contradiction: Grat Nicc
Haughty: Grat Cupr
Sensation: Grat: Leprosy: Despised therefore no more Connection.
Gratiola (S14) like Digi (S12) is in the Ferrum Series - some of the Gratiola pathology is similar to Flour.
Ord. Lamiales, Fam. Verbenacea, Spp. Agnus Castus.
Agnus Castus (Chaste tree, Monks Pepper!) - DD Ant Crud.
Image: Breakdown. An important remedy for the Sexual sphere when there is debility and depression, as in premature old age (perhaps caused by high-living). After feeling pretty special they begin to feel useless and therefore worthless. The sexual urge is lost.
Clarke: Great sadness with a fixed idea of approaching death. This fear is not of immediate death as with Aconite, but the patient thinks it is sure to come after a while, and there is no use in doing anything. The selected rubrics give some indication of the state ...
- Ailments, from sexual excesses. Amativeness. Satyriasis.
- Coition averse to. Erections, wanting, desire with.
- Vivacious. Exhilaration, alternating with sadness. Sentimental. Wants to be quiet.
- Grief. Discontented with everything. Morose. Despair. Ideas, deficiency of.
- Delusions - body is lighter than air. Doubt if anything had existance.
- Delusions - he is worthless; of being nobody.
- Loathing life. Indifference to external things. Death desires. Suicidal, thoughts.
- DEATH -presentiment of -soon and that she cannot be helped; believes that she will die
- Ailments, from anticipation, foreboding. Frightful/anxious dreams.
- Contemptuous, self, of. Confidence, want of self.
- Intolerant of contradiction.
- Discouraged, alternating with haughtiness.
- Ejaculation - scanty/quick/failing. Erections either incomplete or strong.
- Weakness from pollutions.
- Gonorrhea, suppressed (sycosis). Urethra: Discharge, gonorrhoeal.
- Sycosis. Syphilis. Mucus secretions yellow. Ulcers indolent.
- Menses, painful. Protracted.
- Nose, odors fish-brine; musk.
- Pain, benumbing. Pain, drawing, bones in. Pain, paralytic, joints in.
Sensation: Corrosive itching. Stitching. Tearing (muscles).
Miasm: Sycosis. Syphilis.
DD: Stage... Loss: Discontented, Suicidal => S15
DD: Series... Loss of ideas or performance => Silver Series
DD: Elem..... Sentimental => Antimonium Crud (the sulphide)
DD: Salt...... Loss of Enjoyment => N2, O2; Relationships => Sulphur
Comment: Yet another Stage 15 Lamiales Remedy!
Reflection: In Dr. Rajans Gratiola case (Plants III) the Ferrum series is confirmed by loss of connection to society, i.e. to the village. However, several Digi (closely related to Grat) rubrics suggest that they are both morally and spiritually sensitive (Lamiales trait) and can therefore lose connection with their spirituality, which is clearly demonstrated in Dr. Rajans Veronica (Lamiales::Plantaginaceae) case in Plants II. This interpretation is born out by the info we have on Buddleah.
RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS - too occupied with religion: Dig ZINC stann
THOUGHTS; profound: Grat
This would suggest a different series althogether; a second reading of such a case could fit the Lanthanides. Is their search directed within? Is the issue (Series) self-determination or work?
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Can we learn from Semantics and Semiotics?
Structural Theorists regard language as a network of systematic relationships between semantic units. The basic semantic unit is a lexeme - which is the main dictionary definitions of each word. These lexemes naturally belong to a semantic field, which is an array of words having a similar meaning. The lexemes for the various sensations in Homeopathy form a semantic field. This logic can be seen in the construction of Roget’s Thesaurus (1852).
Alphabetic ordering of lexemes destroys semantic structure, as in the the Thesaurus and in the Repertory. To go further into semantic structure we need to describe how lexemes are related by meaning. The first attempt was Mirillis Thematic Repertory. Semantic structuralists recognise several paradigmatic relationships:
Synonymy - the relationship of “sameness” of meaning.
Hyponymy - the relationship of “inclusion” - Familes are included in Orders.
Antonymy - the relationship of “opposites” (which can be quite complex).
Incompatability - mutually exclusive groups or the same category.
The study of meaning takes us by degrees through the linguistic framework of the whole of a language (I have studied English, French and Sanskrit). Interpretation of meaning is further complicated by aspects that cannot be covered simply by the analysis of lexemes.
Prosodic Meaning - describes the emphasis placed on parts of the sentence; the way it is stressed.
Grammatical Meaning - Subject + Verb + Object (e.g. I go home) gives the semantic role.
Pragmatic Meaning - describes the function. Is it a statement of fact or an implied command?
Social Meaning - describes the roles of the participants e.g. polite or rude.
Propositional Meaning - an approach which describes and test the subject matter logically (is the statement a value judgement or a fact?).
To sum up the debate on meaning, Ludwig Wittgenstein wrote “The meaning of a word is its use in language”. Ogden and Richards observed that there is no direct relationship between words and things - the relationship only exists in our mind through and associated concept (Sassure - semiotics : signified + signifier=sign). O. & R. described the process as an “semiotic triangle” of Thought<>Symbol<>Referent. The difficulty lies in identifying the active concept. According to Jacques Derrida we have to deconstruct the expression and analyse all the hidden assumptions, preconceptions and even "myths" that are implied or inherited from the philosopical, cultural or political context.
Global Exceptions?
The interesting thing about Sanskrit is that it is the root of many languages and there is supposed to be a relationship between the name, the sound, and the form - hence the 'magical' chanting of Vedas by the Pandits.
So, in Sanskrit the word "Bound" carries/invokes the sensation?
This is opposite to the structuralist (Saussure) view - that there is no inherent relationship between that which carries the meaning - the signifier/symbol and its sign.
Semantics has difficulty in describing how language refers to the outside world. Real-world notions are indeterminate… Our images of a beauty spot may vary. You would have to visit that place! Words are not enough (a picture is worth a thousand words). Semantics therefore restricts its focus to the relationship of words within the framework of the language. Sankaran’s Levels should take us beyond the restrictions of Semantics into the world of feeling, sensation and energy.
In homeopathy we are advised to use the patients own words and not to extrapolate or interpret. This is correct from the viewpoint of semantics - it is crucial to reject any distortion of meaning. But as we have seen the real meaning is an external referent - it is outside our immediate experience. So are we stuck? How are we to proceed? Osgood’s paper on The Measurement of Meaning (1957) focused on defining a conceptual semantic space. He produced a plot of species vs. ferocity which worked because the dimensions of meaning are quantifiable. Similarly in Homeopathy we use MOPMEC scores to define “vitality” (Sherr) and Stages to define Individuation and Autonomy (Scholten).
Its seems as if the signifier and the signified have a natural and obvious relationship. It more or less “goes without saying”. In fact the Stages are purely conceptual - it is merely a fabricated semiological system which conjures up its own “generic images” which will never actually be seen in practice. In Sassures model its “too obvious too mention” generic image is a further level of “signification“… connotation (Barthes, 1967).
The Validity of Abstraction
In Sankarans system of “Levels” the primary sign is the diagnostic name of the complaint. It is a fact. As soon as we start to consider the emotional aspects of the experience we are delving into the language of abstract and the conceptual. As we dig deeper into the realms of the personal the images become more unique. Even more so when we try to comprehend the experience at the level of imagination, delusion and energy.
How can we remain an unprejudiced observer and avoid interpretation and yet do good work in the realm of the inherently conceptual? What makes a move from denotation (the sign) to connotation possible is the store of knowledge we have about each remedy - its components and its gestalt which is a shared code which we can draw upon. These images can be drawn and refined from the literature and from our own clinical and personal repertoire. Their best use is not through computerised pattern matching - they should resonate with us conceptually and intuitively and ideally in the same way the remedy resonates with the client.
In Practice
The words the client uses are only the tip of the linguistic iceburg. We have to understand his experience. The words are the signs. Their connotation is deeper.
Similarly Sholtens and Sankarans keywords are the signs of the remedy state. The state, itself, the connotation is a deeper level of abstraction. Without abstract thinking we are left at Rogets level - scanning the dictionary (or repertory) for broken semantic fields.
Abstract thinking produces Generic Themes - but the ultimate level of abstraction is the experience itself. Wittgenstein proposed that a basic sentence has three parts - two objects and a relationship between them:
Jan Scholten asserts that this is exactly the way we should break down a symptom ...
[Subject] - [verb] - [object]
[It] - [happened to] - [me]
So all we really need to describe an experience is a theme for the subject, one for the action and one for the object. This applies equally to the experience and to the description of the remedy.
Differential Diagnostics depends on two aspects of the process:
- How we handle [It] [Subjective][Stage x Series]
- How our reaction to it is expressed [Objective][Salt]
Example 1 [Stage x Series]: Ord Lamiales, Fam Oleaceae, Spp Chionanthus: A nervous, hypochondriacal and pessimistic state, with apathy and a desire to be alone. Quarrels agg.
- Ailments from quarrels. Irritability. Indifference.
DD: Series... Quarrelsome => Ferrums series.
DD: Elem.... Anxious > confirms Stannum.
Example 2, [Salt]: If I lose my Mum and grieve you might think Mum is the subject of the grief and prescribe a Muriaticum. The actual process [How I handle it] is that I become hard. Subject and Object can swap round...
"I am hardened to my grief about Mom" [hardened=subject. grief about Mum=object]
The process [subject][how it is expressed] is my hardening. The Salt is a Flouratum.
A new section of my Plant Kingdom Database uses some of these ideas: [Go][Click on Lamiales]
Ref: Repertory of the Elements by Jan Scholten.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Third Chakra
Development: Autonomy. Individualty. Will. Self-Esteem. Power.
Blocks: Glamour. Rejection and criticism. Secrets.
The Miasm (Sycotic) - The sycotic person will show off - glamorous looks, recognition, and so on are very important. They crave attention all the time and keep thier faults to themselves and hide their feelings. They are stiff because they want to stay in control of their emotions. They want things to be fixed so they focus on details and classifications. It can lead to dogma and pedantry. Doubts and anxieties (psora) are exaggerated and overdone. (Ref: George Loukas).
Palladium is so typical: I lack confidence sometimes so I feel insecure. I'v got to be perfect so I must to hide my mistakes. If I'm appreciated I don't need to hide my mistakes. Thinking that, "My way is best" can lead to rigidity and fixed ideas.
The Autonomous Self
Big Mind - Vivacious and Idealistic: I'm it! I'm there! I'v worked for this. It feels great. I'm wonderful. Perfect. A success.
Big Heart - I deserve admiration: I need some sort of approval and encouragement. I'm not really appreciated.
The Powerful Self
Energised - I must please: I have high expectations which make me a bit anxious. I reassure myself by being focused, directed, in control of every detail, so enjoy the show - It's all for your benefit so don't criticise or insult me.
Depleted - Collapse after the performance: I made a mistake. My plan didn't work. I'v lost control of things and I'm feeling weak, lonely and sad. Am I still good enough? What can I do now to get their attention?
* Ailments - mortification/wounded honour/being offended/egotism.
* Delusions - abused/criticized/insulted/neglected/tall/enlarged.
* MIND - HAUGHTY - wounded self-esteem; wishes to be flattered
* MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence
Conclusion: The Power remedies of the Lanthanide and Gold Series all affect Sycotic aspects of the 3rd chakra? Hmmm ... most of these are normally considered Syphilitic remedies.
So consider Gadolinium - also Stage 10, and (from a 3rd chakra perspective) it seems to be complimentary to Palladium - Jan says they give you an impression of being self-satisfied or even haughty. Balance and Control are very important to them and can lead to rigidity. Its anxiety vs. self-esteem again. We are back in 'Sycotic' territory!
Leela D'Souza
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Conan the Samarium

"You just have to get on with it".
"Lets get it done. Whatever it takes."
"Nothings gonna bring me down".
A typical Samarium dream is of driving at great speed trying to keep the car on the straight and narrow.
They still feel that they have lots to do and that they will go far. The reward for their struggle is independence and autonomy.
They have to get over, round or through every obstruction. Opposition is felt as harsh criticism, in fact it can seem like everyone's a critic. Its easy to criticise, but much harder to DO!
Provings often give a mixed bag of results. In Clinical trials the remedy is judged to be suitable for the person, which means they will be sensitive to it and their reactions will be good indicators of its therapeutic role. One person who took part in an early proving seems to have experienced the expected result with Samarium, which is a Stage 8 Lanthanide (autonomy/power) Remedy:
"I feel self-confident and assertive. The sensation is that I am who I am."
Various others described feelings of "hindrances" or of "breaking boundaries" which are, in general, typical of Stage 8 - the theme of "pushing through".
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Lutetium has suffered so much that there is nothing left. The connection to this world is crumbling and or broken. They are dissociated and dysfunctional.
They dont want or need anything the world has to offer, they are alone but they don't care. Its a state beyond desire, without hope. The "emotional body" isn't flat - its dead.
Its one stage from the Autistic-like states of the Halogens and it looks a bit like some of the Bird Remedies - the captive ones, for sure. They still have a sense of playfulnes and humour - but it arises from their own distance from the world and its clarity and wisdom are pervaded by nostalgia and emptiness.
Image: Think of a survivor stumbling around the sterile war-torn landscape of Judgement Day.
In the Lanthanide Series we're talking about the power to assert our autonomy. The kind of power coming from our sense of Self. Our inner strength.
On the right hand side of the Lanthanides we have lost some of our power. With Holmium it could be a sense of previously subdued Power coming to light - and subsequently the Wisdom of learning to deploy Power morally and responsibly. It could also be a sense of having been downtrodden and ignored to the point where we start giving in. Giving way in almost every case. We have just lost contact with the inner resources required to get back on top of things. It all starts to slide.
The power, once awakend can manifest as anger - and old anger turns to resentment. The repressed feelings come out as a rage against the machine... Its exact expression depends on the Salt:
In Holmium Oxy there is anger at injustice and a sense of being wronged.
In Holmiun Nit the anger could be caused by feeling second best. Like Nux-v they want the best - they put themselves first and are assertive, expansive and want to be admired. They dont want rules or limits.
In Holmium Phos the anger or frustration is caused by betrayal by friends and loss of contact. Phosphoricums define themeselves by these boundaries and fear loosing them. This is comparable to the spacey, boundless, gaseous state of the Nitricums (perhpas expressed in the 'polarity' Nitrogenium delusion - everything is meaningless). Phos wants to be earthed to some degree.
Im Holmium Mur the anger is about the grief from deeper relationships - broken trust, neglect or loss of security.
Without wisdom and compassion power gives you the ruthlessness of a dictator, which is traditionally associated with Mercury, in Stage 12 of the Gold Series, the realm of external power. Meurcury feels suspicious and threatened. Thalium, next to mercury in Stage 13 of the Gold Series, trys to hold on to his power by being stubborn and dogmatic. He needs to be stubborn and irritable to get his own way because he has almost lost faith in himself and, more importantly, his strength . He eventually withdraws into himself.
Similarly the pathological Holmium (also Stage 13) has lost faith in his inner self - his own being and is also on the back foot. The remedy brings back some of this lost power.
Looking at my own life I can see a contiunuum of very closely related states that goes:
Dysprosium -> Holmium -> Erbium.
Dysprosium, at Stage 12, feels independent but under constant attack. They are brave people who challenge the world with new ideals. Sometimes they can get such a battering that they feel like giving up. That point - giving up the fight - marks the transition to the next stage Holmium, where they can no longer preserve their autonomy and have to take a step back. This is felt as a heavy deafeat. Hence the bitterness.
In Erbium, (Stage 14) they have really lost the fight. They feel powerless. After that comes the despair of Thulium (Stage 15) a state so dark it would frighten you to even read about it! Beyond that lies dissociation and ultimately - madness :)
Refs: "Elements" (blue book) and "Secret Lanthanides".
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Lanthanide themes in Lachesis?
Snakes in general are quite solitary and avoid people. There is Secrecy, misanthropy, and delusions of enemies. Some are quite egotistical. These signifiers place the Snake remedies between Stages 12 and 17. The Series is more difficult to discern, but one clue is that there is a strong focus on Sexuality which suggests the Silicon Series - establishing relationships outside the family.
Lachesis seems to resonate with Stage 12, Crotalus with Stage 15 and Cenchris with Stage 16.
I'm just revising Philip Baileys Lachesis. I started noticing hints of Lanthanide qualities such as autonomy, independence, depth, sexuality and so on.
We all know that Lachesis Remedy Persons (LRP's!) seem to hate restriction and have inner tensions which are better from discharging emotions in the form of loquacity or sexuality. Philip says the hatred of restriction can also manifest as a need for their own space in a relationship or a loathing of being ordered about (typical teenagers).
Some LRPs can be quite extraverted and enjoy being the centre of attention which reminds me of Stage 10 . LRPs are often known to be quite philosophical (Sulphur).
You get a slew of remedies in bold type (including Lachesis) In the rubric:
Contradiction - disposition to contradict: ANAC CAUST HEP LACH LYC NUX-V
What's really confusing about Lachesis is that it comes out on top if you "collect" rubrics that might suggest a Lanthanide, e.g. philosophical, thoughtful, curious, sympathetic, and mystical (Sulphur too!). To understand this we'd have to go back to 1828 and step into Hering's shoes. But Lachesis may be alive and well today...
The primary Lachesis conflict between Morality and Instinct is emphasised in Alice Bailey's interpretation of the Twelve Labours of Hercules ... in Scorpio (the Lernean Hydra) Hercules rises above matter and in the next sign, Saggitarius (the Stymphalian Birds) he recognises his emotional nature, which he restrains through the control of thought and so on, until he arises as a pure being in Pisces.
This path is also seen in Buddhas sutra teachings; but these are the common preliminary practices, and can also be found in many world religions. This path, on its own, can be merely intellectual sprituality. It has neither the depth of Mahamudra nor of the Lanthanides.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Kail Brom - (Under construction).
Dr. Rajan give us an insight into the Kali-br mind: Structure Vol II, P. 561.
"Delusion: impression of danger from his own family". This means that the feeling is that those you depend on (Kali) will harm you (Brom).
In that situation you have to be careful to conform to your parents wishes or you get punished swiftly and harshly. You end up thinking even a small mistake is a crime, "Delusion, crime: committed he had".
Sex becomes riddled with guilt, and since any sense of normality or morality is eroded, perversions arise.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Kali Sulph - Voice Dialogue
Mrs Kali-S, expressed through the voice dialogue method.
Big Mind: I have to look after my partner and friends.
Big Heart: I must bring kindness, love and joy to my family and friends.
The Protector : Having the respect of family and friends makes me feel secure, so I have to stand by everything they do. I worry about others. I'm afraid of the people at work. People should always take care of each other.
The Seeker: I work hard for my family because I need their respect (Delusion: disgraced).
The Shadow: I feel proud when I have the respect of my family and friends. I'm upset by trifles, such as rudeness at home. I'm easily offended. I can get angry and even hysterical when the harmony of my home is disturbed. I'm easily discouraged so sex is out! I sleep lightly but I have vivid dreams ... robbers, murder and accidents.
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Exploring Stage15: Yielding and Loss
According 'Homeopathy and the Elements', P.58 the elements in this column have a profound sense of loss.
This sense of loss is associated with the Tubercular Miasm, where there is a rush to savour lifes wonder, right down to the last drop. The lighter elments in this column, Nitrogen and Phosphorous types, when healthy, seem to mirror this stage, where there is a rush to travel and savour society (Phos), enjoyment and freedom (Nit).
But make no mistake, there is a dark side to the phosphorous extravert. The tubercualar miasm is a precarious and dangerous place to be because, in the not too distant past, the diagnois of T.B. implied the most awful and uncurable degeneration of the lungs imanginable. You were just left to get on with it. So, this miasm has another side to it, a narrowing down of lifes enjoyments, leaving only the threat of darkness, despair, utter lonliness and ultimately defeat.
One moment the Tubercular person is elated and happy to be alive, the next they feel very poorly, and frightend of feeling so close to death. This can actually be the case in the lung complaints that call for Phos, Ars and Ant-c. There is an air of death in all these.
Once the pathology takes hold the battle is lost. The patient yields.
Definition: yielding (adj) Wordnet
(n.) a verbal act of admitting defeat
(adj.) tending to give in or surrender or agree -> docile -> gentle;
(adj.) lacking stiffness and giving way to pressure ->soft;
(adj.) inclined to yield to argument or influence or control;
Similar to: compromising -> flexible, conciliatory -> appeasing.
Repertory Similars: Retaliate, cannot. No, cannot say. Mildness, etc.
A closer look at Yielding through Stage 15
They are very susciptible to bad news. The delusion of being in a law suit shows the sense of threat and their agressive response. They lack the power to fight of this level of threat alone. When things go wrong there is a fatalistic atittude in nit-ac. the yielding attitude shows through in the rubric, 'DELUSIONS - will power; as if loss of'.
Like Phos they can be agitated, ill humoured, hypochondriachal and afriad of death.
Phos shares some of the agitation of Nit-ac. Phos can become very agitated about work. If they are too poorly to work it can really feel as if everything is shutting down; its not just loss of income, its also the loss of the social context in which they thrive that means so much to them. They become very worried and anxious, even driven to suicidal thoughts.
Ars has Alcoholism from weakness of character. Yielding is still a theme in Ars.(>Mildness) but she has lost so much that she has gone into a despair beyond merely yielding.
Likewise, a yielding state in Antimony is expressed by a combination of rubrics such as "cannot bear to be looked at" (>Cowarice), 'carried, desires, to be' and the depth of fear is described by the rubric: fear - recover, he will not. Loss is evident in the sense of nostalgia.
Bismuth kills herself - the suffering is almost unimaginable - constriction of chest, angina, palpiation and so on - desparately clinging to anything or anyone. The Bismuth state is reminiscent of the ultimate yielding of Hara-kiri, where all the power and respect is lost.
And Thulium?
Jan says Thulium gives up autonomy for the sake of gaining Self. What could this mean? Well, he adds that giving up their personality is their Achilles heel. Its much more than backing down out of politeness like Phos. Is it yielding the ultimate... submission? What kind of submission?
Is submission the strategy that runs through Stage 15?
Jan gives: Loss, Surrender, Handing over, sacrificing and refusing.
Post Script: Distribution of Yielding rubric through the Stages.
- Stage 1 nat-c nat-m (>Mildness. >Cowardice) Caust : Yield because they are submissive and unsure of themselves.
- Stage 2 Mag-m Calc-sil (>Mildness) Bar-c (>Benevolence. >Cowardice) Bar-m : Ditto. Timid. Flexible. Indecisive. (>Bar-s. servile, obsequious, submissive)
- Stage 10 Carb-v Sil : They are uncertain and unstable and therefore easily influenced (>Servile, obsequious, submissive. >Benevolence. > Cowardice).
- Stage 10 Aur-m-n : Gives up (>mildness) when she feels she has failed. (>Aur: servile, obsequious, submissive. >Benevolence. >Cowardice)
- Stage 11 Cupr: Proving & Holding on through rituals. His perseverance softens under criticism (>Servile, obsequious, submissive. >Cowardice).
- Stage 12 Zinc: Repeating, copying & overproduction. Yields under pressure of failure (>Cowardice. >Mildness).
- Stage 15 Phos. Ph-ac: Fears loss of friendship so she appears submissive and polite (>Benevolence. >Mildness. >Cowardice).
- Stage 17 Flour-ac: Gives up and becomes indifferent to business and to family.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
The issue of identity in Row 3 and the Lanthanides
Consider a hypothetical case where the impact of an alcoholic abusive father causes suppression of identity in Alumina,Al2O3, [R3,Stg3].
Sankaran, Structure, P427: Where the parent continually dominates the child saying “No, that’s wrong, you know nothing, I’ll show you how its supposed to be done”.
The result is seen in the rubrics:
Now Row 3 is about the childhood development of one’s ego and identity (P. 308). The child needs support. Rajan says, “It is an important issue in man to develop his individuality, have and identity, choice and ego”. On the Right Side of the Periodic Table (figure above) the sense of ego, self and individuality is more developed - Sulphur is well known for its selfish or willful posture towards the outside world. It's the instinctive relationship of our ego or self, to the outside world that is brought to maturity in the third row.
Now please compare the above with Row 7. The sense of control and power over our inner world is improved by the remedies of this row. We are told that the issues are of autonomy, independence, inner control and inner self. These are very adult themes, but see how damage at the level of row 3 effects someone’s realisation and fulfilment of this row? Are we going to prescribe a Row 3 remedy or one from Row 7 or a combination? Combinations of remedies from these rows can be dramatic because their relationship is extremely complimentary - being able to resolve both inner and outer conflicts.
Consider the rubrics (themes) of Lanthanum Oxydatum, R7,St3, it has the same anion as Alumina, and it demonstrates a recurrence of issues: They are unable to state their autonomy and independence. Jan points out it’s the result of feeling that they are not worth very much (Lanthanides P. 117).
My dilemma as a Practitioner, was to decide which remedy to give to a 40yr old woman who‘s found refuge in T.M. (or some simial ethical structure) for 20yrs …. Would Alumina suffice to reduce her dependence on her adopted ethics? The case has Autonomy and Row 3 issues. We hope the client will become free to express her identity, which would also be important in an Alumina case. Alumina is the childhood expression Stage 3 issues.
I would expect a deeper penetration and reaction from Lanthanum (or perhaps La-Oxy, because Alumina is an oxide), which enhances our sense of being firm and grounded.
Conclusion: As predicted by the theory of 'Stages' in the Periodic Table, remedies from the same stage of row 7 and row 3 are closely related - but act on deeper levels of self expression.
Kali Nitricum - Voice Dialogue
Mr. Kali-Nit, expressed through the Voice Dialogue method.
Big Mind - I enjoy my work, its part of the good life.
Big Heart - Enjoyment is the main thing!
The Protector - Happiness is my reward for a job well done. Its a philosophy of life that everyone should adopt.
The Controller - I'm bored by this! I'm anxious about work, but it isn't everything - life's too short.
The Seeker - Don't try to stop me. I want it all and I want it now! I don't care about morals, or sexual restrictions. When I'm discontented I dream of carousing or journeys. I wake easily.
The Vulnerable Child - I'm very cautious, and I'm anxious about the future. It gives me headaches. If I don't do my duty they will be after me. I've a horror of loosing my penis.
The Damaged Self - I'm angry and a bit paranoid. I feel trapped by these four walls. I cry when I head sad music - I'm missing out on so much. I feel as if I'm dead already.
Kali Phos - Voice Dialogue
Ms Kali-P, expressed through the Voice Dialogue method.
Big Mind - I have to look after my family and my close friends.
Big Heart - I have to stay in touch. I would be lost without my family.
The Protector - My job is to protect myself, family and friends. My sense of duty extends to anyone in trouble. I'm a good Samaritan.
The Controller - I work and study hard because if I do well I can look after everyone. I'm open, sympathetic and honest.
The Seeker - I like excitement. I'm always doing something. Life's too short. I rove around the world because I love making new contacts and friends.
The Vulnerable Child - I have so many anxieties and fears! My health, the future, and of death. I'm very jumpy. I have frightful dreams. I don't like heights or open spaces.
The Shadow - I am excitable and impressionable, almost clairvoyant. I see frightful images of death and destruction. Time runs away from me.
The Damaged self - When I overdo it I become sad, weary and indifferent to everything. I feel forsaken and everything looks strange and dead. My memory is weak, but I'm very sentimental.
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
School Play - Platina and Merc go to the awards
Merc is pacing to and fro' holding a sheaf of papers and stabbing at her mobile. She's looking annoyed and agitated ... muttering about killing her Financial Advisor. Why won't he answer the phone? The bastards probably on Holiday - on what's left of my savings!
Meanwhile Platina's trying to get through to Merc ... When Merc finally picks up she says "Do you know what time it is? Are you coming to my award ceremony or not? Have you FORGOTTEN?
Merc: No, of course I haven't forgotten, I've got more important concerns on my mind than some blasted award ...
Plat: WHAT could be MORE important than my AWARD?
Merc: Its just empty flattery. I've had a court summons - my business partner's suing me for £28,000, and I'v just lost half that amount in a derivatives trade.
Plat: I'v just bought a new ROLEX ...
Merc: Well, that's just GREAT!
Plat: Look, just get here for 7! We're going in your MERC!
Merc: I'm not going. Those bastards know I'm past it.
Plat: I'll go on my own then SAD-ACT!
Merc: Hangs up. Bloody friends. Bankers. Awards. BACK-STABBERS!
Plat: Who cares! I'v got to get ready ... don't want to keep my fans waiting.
Voice Dialogue with Merc
The Autonomous Self
- The Integrated Self - My main issue is the fear of losing my power.
- Big Mind - I must protect my failing, rotten kingdom any way I can.
- Big Heart - I'm a hypocrite, totally alone. I've lost faith in everything.
- The Protector - My job is to protect the Self from harm. I want to protect my position and my luxurious lifestyle. I do this by being guarded and suspicious of everyone, especially backstabbers. I don't like open spaces, or crowds. Anything could happen. My enemies might try some trick on me.
- The Controller - My job is to control. I'm disgusted and discontented with everything. I'm terse, rude, hateful and dictatorial and I will destroy anyone who offends me or gets in my way.
- The Seeker - I'm bored and cynical about everything. I'm sick of empty flattery. I love flashing money around but then I go gambling to claw it back.
- The Vunerable Child - I want to be at home. I feel frightened and forsaken. I have a horrible sensation of falling.
- The Voice of the Dualistic Mind - I struggle to control all sorts wild and frightful ideas, even of my own impulses. I'm lascivious and will try anything. A slight offence makes me want to kill anyone, even my loved ones. I have a "thing" about knives.
The Shadow Self
- The Damaged Self - I feel as if I'm dying. I'm not afraid of death. I want out! Its Hell anyway!
- The Skeptic - My job is to be skeptical of everything. I keep trying but I worry about the future. It's all going to end badly. I loath this life sometimes.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Voice Dialogue with the remedy derived from Platinum
The Big Mind Process applied to Platina.
The Autonomous Self
- The Integrated Self - My very soul is exalted!
- Big Mind - I am proud of everything I do.
- Big Heart - I'm a sexual egoist too, above anything common.
- The Protector - My job is to protect the Self from harm. I want to protect my pride. I might have implants or a face-lift, because I fear that i'm not appreciated. I have a real temper, even from trifles. I'm contemptuous and easily offended. I can be violent and cruel. I don't like being ruffled by children.
- The Controller - My job is to control. I'm dictatorial and contemptuous of everyone. I'm beautiful and I'm rude to everyone - because I'm worth it! If you lend me money I'll treat you to a lavish night out, but once I'v spent it all thats it, you'll never see me again. As long as my lawyers and bankers are happy I don't care.
- The Seeker - I'm already spiritually accomplished. I'm self-absorbed and narcissistic about it. I don't really care about religion. I like expensive things, gaiety and excitement, catch up with me at the Cannes Film Festival.
- The Voice of the Dualistic Mind - I struggle to control my excessive sexual passion and frustration with everything. It's all beneath me really, but that makes me feel strange, disconnected and alone. I don't really care about my family.
- The Damaged Self - I can be highly erotic or highly egotistical. I have to express my exaggerated sense of self somehow! The other side of my ego is a feeling that I'm a disgrace. My temper tantrums open up my dark side. I can commune with the dead. People look dark and devilish. I'm haunted by a fear that I could easily die.
- The Vulnerable Child - I feel frightened and alone, because I don't really belong. I don't want to be abandoned. I'm sad, sulky, anxious and weary of life.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Misha Norland's approach to Symptoms.
Stg 15 [N Ph Ars Sb Bi Tm]
Choleric HOT/DRY Sx are dynamic and decisive. Irritable and explosive.
On the Phlegmatic COLD/WET Polarity we get static, indecisive, faithful, feeling engulfed and loss of identity.
Take Bismuth. Morose. Suicidal.
The subnitricum has delusions of superiority, of falling and of being alone. Amoral. Fear of death and of suicide. Moods are obstinate or sad, longing for female company. The pains are cramping.
Do the complaints fit with your idea of HOT & DRY vs. COLD & WET? Bismuth is heavily phlegmatic but there a some choleric aspects (extremities: coldness vs. skin: burning).
Looking at the evidence what would you expect Thulium to be like? Yes, serious and heavy! Dr Scholten lists loss of autonomy. Annihiliation. Darkness. Falling. Doom. The very epitomy of the phlegmatic temperament, but Thulium can also express the choleric polarity, becoming excessive, wild and murderous.
Compare Thulium and Bismuth with Opium. There are similarities which suggest that Opium has an affinity with Stage 15 (or 16) [Xref]. The disturbance is mainly of affect and to the formation of ideas - Silver Series. Antimony (S5,St15) has shades of these polarities e.g. Ecstacy, walking in moonlight, Lascivious vs. Loathing, Morose, Sad.

It seems to be a very changeable state, with a variety of dark moods and polarites.
The other Paperveraceae may have a similar shaped plot (Chel, Morph and Sang all have deep moods with similar polarities of anger and excitabilitiy). Dr Sankaran gives the passive reaction for the whole family as Analgesia, Coma, Painlessness and Numbness. He gives the active reactions as rage, spasms and convulsions.
(Click image for white b/g)

In Ignatia, which is representative of the Loganaceae family, rubrics indicate that the main axis is in the direction of water. The warmer sanguine and colder phlegmatic temperaments merge into a watery gradient.
The polarity, the choleric temperament is an equal blend of earth and fire.
Remember that these are soft relationships - their function is primarily to create a deeper "neural network" of memorable associations, but they can also help us access unfamiliar or unknown remedies and predict how they might behave.
We've strayed quite far into foreign lands already, lets get really eccentric now, and plot the planetary aspects (which represent the Inner Self in Huber Charts) of my birthday, 4/9/55 onto a Misha style map to show where I should be at in good health ...

The ones with a main vertical axis, crossed by a minor 45' axis are: Calc-phos, Sul-ac, Ars-Iod, Iodum, Iris, Anaholium and Agaricus. These are Maps of the totality though - you'd have to include the Astrological Houses as well to get such a complete picture. Still, these suggestions are not that far off the mark.
A further use for this system of plotting hot/cold against dry/wet is that has the potential to represent data on the plant's natural habitat and ecology e.g. Pulsatilla has an affinity for sandy soil and fresh air.
Ref: Misha's book: The Four Elements in Homeopathy
Xref: Stages in the Plant Kingdom (The Eudicot Series - Opium)
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Hawks and Doves and the Dysprosium State
Hawks and Doves refers to J. Maynard Smiths work on "Evolution and the Theory of Games". It is a sort of Transactional Analysis using the replicator equation which demonstrates the fitness landscape of various population types.
It is assumed that every genotype has a well defined replication rate (fitness). This fitness is the "height" of the landscape. Genotypes which are similar are said to be "close" to each other, while those that are very different are "far" from each other. The two concepts of height and distance are sufficient to form the concept of a "landscape".
The analysis is applied to a situation in which there is a competition for a shared resource and the contestants can choose either conciliation or conflict.
That's the theory part of it. I once used it to draw similar inferences from a cluster analysis of the social interactions of a group of Orangs. That's the long way round - a research project!
The short way is just to observe ... and to get a feel for the comfort zone of each subject.
To get a feel for the landscape of our own comfort zone consider the game of chicken ... where two drivers both head for a single lane bridge from opposite directions. The first to swerve away yields. In the game of chicken we automatically evaluate the risk of the confrontation in terms self-esteem and self-respect as well as the intensity of the physical danger. The point at which we yield demonstrates the limit of our comfort zone (i.e. fitness, in Hawks and Doves).
The Transactional analysis model (Eric Berne), also demonstrates that we manifest our personality through a mixture of behaviours or ego-states which can shift between dominant and yielding, the parent, the adult or the child. If these states cause us sufficient embarressment and discomfort they can become disowned, and exist as shadow parts of ourselves - organised clusters of unwanted perceptions, cognitions and affects [1,2].
In the Homeopathic study of the elements the landscape of our comfort zone and deeper constellations of "hidden" energy patterns, is measured by a sliding scale of characteristic "Stages" (1-17)[3] (the stages represent distance in Hawks and Doves).
An example to illustrate: I asked a colleage if he would like me to find a more deeper acting remedy than the St John's Wort he uses. The answer came back with depth and force (Scorpio?) and with a steely/iron determination,
"Not if it interferes with my creativity".
That's enough to indicate to me that we are looking at the self-determination of the Lanthanides (not the creativity of the Silvers) , and then Stage 8 at the very least, and more likely at Stage 12 - Dysprosium. Dysprosium can be suspicious of people interfering with their freedom.
Do try repertorising it ... where would you end up? Rubrics can only give a fragmented glimpse. It is very difficult to choose a group that really expresses the 'gestalt' ...
Suspicious - medicine will not take [anac ars Cimic Lach]??
Dictatorial [anac ars aur aur-m-n Aur-s Camph carc Cupr falco ferr Fl-ac lac-h lach lil-t LYC Med Merc ozone pall Plat puls Sulph thuj verat]
On this analysis we might be prompted to take a closer look at anacardium, or the aurums. Other interesting ones might be ...
Lachesis (Viperidae), in some commentaries Lachesis sounds like a deeply spiritual remedy, but its only a snake! Its about self-grasping and self-expression coming out in a very materialistic way. It finds is home in our primitive, shadowy, reptile brain - the medulla and parts of the limbic system. These areas of the brain are the home of suspicion, jealousy and rivalry and also the source of our agressive and seeking dreams.
Camphora (Laurales, Stage 15?), feels isolated and alienated. The image of the Steppenwolf, the ranting philosopher who is forsaken, out in the cold. He alternates from vexation to rage (Sulph).
Cimicifuga (Ranuncs, Stage 13?), Trapped/Vexed. Hoyne: Miserable, dejected feeling; feels grieved and troubled.
Ozone (Stage 16) is a special case - usually prescribed as an Oxdatum, e.g. Dysprosium-Oxy, which has the feeling that they need to keep self control in order not to be abused. I think that's about as close as you can get from the information given.
... Dys-Oxy!
[2]Xref: Pt3.Ch1.Archetypes.BigMind
[3]Xref: Pt1.Ch1.Scholten.18-stages
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Oxygen is Worthless?
A portrait derived from the Oxygenium rubrics ...
The Oxygen client is normally sensitive and sympathetic. They have a sense of what is just and fair, and are easily offended. Then they rationalise everything and loose contact with their emotions. The resulting depression extends to diminshed self-appreciation. They can try to compensate by being sarcastic and egotistical.
The Oxygen rubric, "Indifference external things to" describes the state that arises from the feeling that everything is worthless. A similar state (Worthlessness + Indifference) is also found in Agnus Castus, Anacardium, Thuja and Perigrine Falcon.
In Agnus Castus there is arrogance, discontent, alternating with self-contempt, deep sadness and a worthless feeling. Anacardium trys to impress because she feels helpless, insecure and has a lack of confidence.Thuja feels unlovable - lonely and empty. The Peregrine feels trapped.
The rubric "Indifference to external things" lists several other remedies. Do the other remedies listed in this rubric express the same sense of worthlessness?
Schroyens: [agn am-c am-m anac berb bit-ar bov buth-a calc-p cann-i cham cic coca-c con euphr falco-pe Hell Kola lyc merl olib-sac op ozone part-ra Ph-ac plat polys rumx stann staph SULPH tarent thuj verat vip].
Roger van Zandervort: [achy allox bac Bos-s choc Heroin lsd oxyg PHOS pyrit sulo-ac]
The expression of 'worthlessness' can be determined by examining each remedy in the context of our best understanding of its totality. Some examples:
achy:- Caryophyllales: Amaranthaceae: achyranthes calea : Psychological themes: rationalizing, lack of feeling, depression; Apathy; Remorse, repentance; Fear of suffering.
In Achyranthes the indifference looks like the expression of a moral dilemma - the amoral polarity swings back to quietude, fear, repentance and remorse. This is one-step removed from the Pyrites feeling and two-steps removed from the Oxygen feeling.
Bos-s:- Bos-s is Frankincense - Boswellia serrata: Sapinales. Normally, Religious, sensitive and clairvoyant, harmonious, loving and altrustic, he can loose his state of grace and become worried about trifles, ashamed and discontented with himself and even confused about his identity. There is detatchment and misanthropy.
am-c and am-m:- Both Ammonia compounds, the (bi)carb [NH4HCo3] and the chloride [NH4Cl], contain Nitrogen. Nitrogen (stage 16) has the delusion that everything is meaningless, which is only a short step away from getting into the indifference of Oxygen (stage 17). Am-c also contains Oxygen so it's no wonder that it is estranged, indifferent and has a delusion that things are empty.
Carbonicums can also feel that thier self-worth is in doubt and to them the world is a hard place - carbon adds a softness to any compound. Carbon compounds dissolve harsh realities into soft tears and the world takes on a softer aspect.
am-m:- Ammonium chloride (the chloride ion is at stage 17) has its own special take on loathing and aversion to everything. The tears of Chlorine compounds (Muriaticums) can flow from self pity. The bicarb decomposes to the chloride which mirrors the homeopathic change from stage 16 to 17 ...
allox:- Alloxan is produced by the oxidation of uric acid (ammonia again)!
pyrit:- Pyrite: Fools Gold: FeS2: Psychological themes: rationalizing, lack of feeling, depression; shame, offence; despair; lonliness; self-appreciation diminished; Delusions, he is being beaten. Dreams, stealing, persued. Misanthropy. Quiet wants to be. Sadness. Weeping.
Pyrites seems to have an Indifference that is similar to the Oxygen feeling. Generally Ferrums push hard, but can breakdown (weakness of will) when they are criticised. The sense of worthlessness may be due to the disulphide since Sulphur (Stage 16, like O2) has various degenerate themes, e.g. "He is disgraced". Sulphur also comes up empasized in capitals in the rubric.
PHOS:- Stage 15: Psychological themes: Altruism. Compulsions, responsibility decreased, avoiding. Distance, reservation. Apathy. Desires nothing. Discontented - everything. Disgust - everything. Estranged. Indifference.
The indifference in Phos (Stage 15) is close to the Oxygen state (Stage 16) -but a healthy Phos is usually very affectionate so the state of indifference develops as a result of being let down or being put upon, if there is a feeling of worthlessness it arises from a different cause. Oxygen needs respect, Phos wants love.
bit-ar:- Bitis arietans: Viperidae: The Puff Adder: Forsaken. Homesick. Delusions: as if far off; separated from the world. Everything seems unreal. Spaced out feeling, as if he had taken drugs.
Vip-b:- Vipera berus: Viperidae: The European adder: Indifference. Discouraged. Forsaken. Hatred. Revengeful.

Indifference in the two Vipers considered above seems to be because their feelings are so intense that they are out of touch with reality. Its not a lack of self-worth.